Chapter 28 - A Mother's Love

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A/N - Sorry guys for the extremely late chapter. >.< I've been busy with school and was experiencing some major writers block. 

Anyways I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and just to let everyone know this story will be ending very soon. There will most likely only be one more chapter left after this so I hope you'll enjoy the ending!


All he hears is the pounding of hooves and the whistle from the wind as they race across the kingdom. His body rocks from each gallop of the horse, but a strong arm wrapped around his shoulders helps to keep him grounded. His head rests against the figure's shoulder and the heat from the man's body warms his insides. He tries to open his eyes, tries to get a quick peek at the man holding him so closely, so tenderly, but the moment he tries his head spins. He grows tired, suddenly feeling the urge to sleep again. Just a little more. He'll sleep for just a little longer.


Arthur spurs on his horse, pushing the stallion to its absolute limit as they race towards the citadel. He can tell the creatures growing tired with the mad pace, but he can't slow down - not even for a moment. He'll make sure the stable boy gives it the best treatment once they arrive back home.

The castle has just come into view when he feels Merlin stir in his arms. He risks a glance down, his heart lifting with hope when he notices the warlock's eyelids start to flutter. "Merlin?" He calls.

There's a quiet groan in response before the servant's head lulls back against his shoulder, seeming to fall back into unconsciousness. Growing desperate once again he gives the boy's shoulder a gentle shake. "Merlin? Wake up," he says.

This time he's only met with silence. He scowls, angry at everything. At himself, at Morgana, at his uncle, everything. Merlin didn't deserve any of this. He shouldn't have had to go through all that pain. If anyone, it should have been him that was hurt...

He sighs, turning his attention back to riding. At least he knows Merlin is still alive... for now. That's better than nothing he supposes. With another kick, his horse barrels forward through the trees.


By the time they pass through the half-built gates the town is already awake and thriving with life. Workers and knights are scattered across the city either on the roofs of buildings or down on the ground carrying pieces of timber. The sound of hammers pounding away fill the air all around so that no matter where one went they could never escape the noise.

A small smile manages to cross the king's face when he sees the people working hard with wide grins despite the recent attacks. The liveliness helps to boost his spirits though only just. With one look down to the warlock in his arms the feeling of dread returns. Merlin has hardly moved at all since the last time he woke and from what he can tell the boy is only getting worse. His breathing is shallow and he seems far paler than usual. They need to get to Gaius and fast.

Arthur urges his horse onwards one last time, giving it a small pat of apology as they race through the lower town. The first person to greet them once they enter the courtyard is Gwen, who's dashing down the steps with relief. One look at Merlin though and the girl's face darkens. Her expression turns grave before turning around and sprinting towards the physician's chambers, already knowing what to do without needing to be told.

Percival is the first to get off his horse, quickly moving to help carry Merlin as Arthur lowers him down. Elyan runs off after his sister, going to assist Gaius with gathering whatever he may need. Leon, though reluctant to go, heads into the castle to check on the kingdoms welfare as the king is occupied. Lancelot and Gwaine help to clear the way as they carry the warlock towards the physician's chambers, all hoping that they aren't too late.

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