Chapter Five

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"Breaking news! A woman being taken to prison along with the driver and guard was killed in a car wreck!" A news reporter stated on television.

I look over at my dad who was sitting at his desk. "Is it my mom?" I ask, fearing the news.

"I don't know, Ro." Tony answered.

I look back at the television as the reporter came back on. "FBI has identified the bodies: Frank Steven, the driver; Bob Argent, the guard; And Aubree Price, the prisoner. My heart goes out to the families of these victims."

I shook my head quickly, tears in my eyes. "No, no. That can't be true. She's not dead. She can't be!" I say as Tony came over to me and pulled me into a hug, "Is she really gone?"

"That's what they say. I'm sorry, Ro." He murmured as I pull away and get up from my seat, away from him.

"Then it's true. Death really does follow me around!" I replied.

"No, it doesn't." Tony said sure.

"You don't know that. Everyone dies around me. It's a sad truth that I, at only five years old, have to realize." I replied, crying.

Tony stood up and knelt on one knee in front of me and held my arms in his hands. "Listen. That's not true. I'm still alive. McGee, Ziva, Ducky, Abby, the Director, Palmer, and Gibbs are also still alive. See? Death doesn't follow you." He brushed the tears off of my cheeks with one of his hands, looking me in the eyes.

"I guess." I mutter.

"Hey, remember when you were defending your mother to Robert? When you said 'She's a good person who bad things have happened to'. That goes for you also." Tony added.

I slowly nod and wiped my tears away. "I want to see her body- to make for sure that it's her. Please." I state.

"I'll see what I can do, okay?" Tony replied, standing up as I nodded and walk up the stairs to Jenny's office with Tony. He knocked on the door as she told him to come in. "Hey, Director." He said.

"You want to see the deceased body, don't you?" Jenny asked him, glancing over at me and back at him.

"How'd you know?" Tony asked.

"Because Rowan is with you." She answered, gesturing to where I halfway stood behind my father.

"Right." Tony replied.

"Of course, but you'll have to go down to FBI headquarters to see her. I'll tell them that you'll be down there as visitors in the evening of today." Jenny said, "I'm sorry for your mom, Rowan."

"Thank you." I murmur softly.

"Thanks, Director." Tony added, walking me out of the room and back down to the Bullpen. I take Tony's seat, smiling.

"You sneaky, little girl." Tony said, laughing. I stick my tongue out and spin the chair around in circles.

"Did you know that this Saturday, which is April 4th, is my birthday?" I announce, still smiling.

"Really? You're not trying to trick me into buying you presents, right?" Tony replied, kidding.

"I'm being serious. It'll be my birthday. Besides, you still need to make it up to me for missing five birthdays. And don't even think about using 'I didn't even know you were my kid' as an excuse." I state, joking at the last part.

"Okay, okay. What would you like for your birthday?" Tony replied, laughing again.

I tapped my chin as if thinking real hard about it. "A spot on this team?" I say simply, smiling big and innocently.

He looked at me amused and replied, "Really? You want to be on this team?" Tony scratched the back of his head and thought about what he says next. "That's entirely up to Gibbs, but I'd let you, if you won't let it interfere with your school." He was trying to act like one of those serious dads.

I stifle back a laugh and end up snorting a little. "My grades are all A pluses. And for my age, I'm in the fifth grade- Five grade levels than the average five year olds." I state.

He came over to his chair and looked at me. "Okay, Smartypants." Tony replied, tickling me as I laughed uncontrollably.

"Stop. No tickling!" I manage to say through my laughs, swatting my hands at him. He stopped and pulled another rolling chair over to his desk and sat at it. "You know what's weird? You haven't told not one movie reference." I state.

"Huh. That is weird." Tony replied, smiling a little and shaking his head slightly.

The next day was difficult. Tony and I were at FBI headquarters, going down to their autopsy room to see the body that was claimed to be my mother.

"Here you go." The medical examiner stated, pulling out a deceased woman that was laying on a metal table now. Sure enough, it was Aubree Price.

"It's her." I whisper quietly, squeezing Tony's hand as I held back tears. "It's my mom."

"I'm sorry for your loss, Kid." The doctor replied, watching me as I just slowly nod, not able to move. Tony picked me up in his arms as I lay my head down on his shoulder and wrap my small arms around his neck. He carried me out of the building and we went back home.
~~Somebody else's POV~~

A brown haired, brown eyed woman watched her daughter and Tony from another room as Rowan cried and held onto her father, staring at the fake lookalike body. Then the Director of the FBI walked into the room and watched her. "It's done. They think that you're dead now." He announced.

"Good. No one, not even Rowan, can know that I'm alive. What's my first mission, Director?" Aubree Price stated.

"First, relocation." He replied, looking at the footage, "Are you sure you want to do this to your daughter, Aubree?"

"It's for the best. When the time is right, then we'll tell her. She's not ready, yet." She said.

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