Obsidian Eyes

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"Jonah?" Your voice quivers when you speak. This can't be happening.

Jonah's head cocks to the left as the black eyes pierce you. You feel your soul recoil against them.

"Get behind me," Sam commands. He is beside you now with one arm out in front of you and a knife in his other.

Without taking your eyes off of the demon, you obey Sam.

The demon cracks a thin, wiry smile.

"Who sent you?" Sam demands.

It won't look at Sam. It won't speak. It simply eyes only you.

"Answer me, or you're dead," Sam threatens.

"No!" You grab Sam's jacket in your fists. "Jonah!"

Sam's nostrils flare. "Tell Crowley-"

The demon cackles. "There is no Crowley. Not anymore."

You sense Sam's confusion. "Who's Crowley?" you ask, though your voice comes out in a whisper.

The demon steps forward and Sam thrashes with the knife. "Stay away from her!"

It isn't afraid. Sam's not afraid of it, either - but you're not sure how far Sam will go to keep you safe and if Jonah will make it out unscathed. You latch onto his arm to stop the thrashing as the demon stalks closer still. "Jonah? Jonah, it's me!"

Another cackle. "He hears you. But there's not a damn thing he can do about it."

At the sound of Sam's incantations, the demon's expression sours. Then it's gone - and it's taken Jonah with it.

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