Demons Run

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Lucifer's army storms toward you in ugly plumes of dark smoke.

What does he want?

"He wants you, of course," Demon 1 croons, suddenly standing before you in a dark suit and tie.

Soon the other demons appear before you in human form, each eyeing you like a piece of meat. Obviously, Lucifer has some sordid plan up his sleeves.

"He's a fool if he thinks I'll work with him," you snarl. "Leave, or I'll throw you into the Empty."

Demon 2 is suddenly by your side, leaning close to whisper in your ear. "You don't have the guts to do that. You know it. We all know it." Her wicked voice sends icy pinpricks down the side of your neck and into your back.

Demon 1 stands by the door of the bunker, now. "Open this door, [y/n]."

"Why the hell would I do that?" You step away from 2 and glare at her, daring her to come near you again. Her beady eyes flash black as a wicked smile curls up her face.

"We just want to talk," Demon 3 or maybe 4 (you can't keep track of these little shits) is trying to be coy.

"To Sam Winchester," says another.

"Pass," you say, crossing your arms over your chest and standing your ground. Five demons wouldn't normally make you uncomfortable, but things have changed. You're not sure you could take them on, but you can't let them know that.

"We know where the other Winchester is," Demon 2 says, taunting you. "Come with us. Dean needs you."

"We'll show you."

Dean, you think. Your heart quickens at the mention of his name.

"We'll take you to him," Demon 1 says, now directly in front of you. These little bastards move fast. "On one condition."

You scoff, "Of course."

"Relinquish your status to Lucifer," 1 says, his low voice drawing icy fingers down your spine.

"Lucifer?" You say.

Now all five are standing in a circle around you. They've got you right where they want you: find Dean again, or keep the power of Death out of Lucifer's hands...

"No." The circle closes in on you. You lock eyes with 1.

"You answered far too quickly," he says. "You need time to think this through. You see, Dean doesn't have much time left. And, well, if you're not around, who's to stop your right-hand gal from tossing him into the very place you fear the most?"

"Especially when his feelings for you are so strong," says 2. "I think it's my favorite love story ever."

They're trying to get under your skin. Your heart flutters at the thought of Dean actually being in love with you, too, but this... this is dangerous. Your mouth feels dry. "No," you say again, but this time your voice falters because it's the hardest thing you've ever had to say. Your eyes sting with tears; to be so close to finally seeing Dean again... Only to fail him one last time. I'm so sorry, Dean, you think as a tear slips down. You tell yourself you're doing the right thing.

"Oh, [y/n]," 2 says. "Wrong answer, sweetheart."

You suddenly feel pressure from all sides like some invisible force is closing in on you, squeezing the air from your lungs. One look at their eyes and you know it's too late; they already know you're weak.

"Stop," you demand, breathlessly, as you struggle to stay upright on your feet. Whatever they're doing to you - you can't escape. You can't disappear. You're locked in this place, and this moment, trapped under their oppressively dark auras, and you've never been more afraid in your life.

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