One Year Later (pt. 2): Pie

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You beam at him, your eyes warm with tears. "Hi, Sam."

His eyes go wide. "Wait, why... why are you here?"

"No, no," you assure him. "No business. Just ... a hello."

Relief washes over his face as he relaxes his posture. He clears his throat and walks toward you, stopping by his chair. "It's been a while. How are you?"

"I'm good," you nod. "I finally have a purpose, you know? Doing something important. Taking care of people."

"That's... that's a pretty big responsibility. But... what about the rest of your life?"

You shrug. "This is more important."

An awkward quiet snakes into the room and his eyes drop to the laptop. "Was that you, then, just a few minutes ago?"

"Yes," you chuckle. "I didn't know if I should... if you guys would want to see me."

Sam gives you that what-are-you-talking-about face and says, "Always." After another awkward silence, he says, "You left in the middle of the night."

"I'm sorry," you say, glancing down at the computer. Heat creeps into your cheeks. Things were a lot more uncertain then.

"Can you stay?" His voice breaks at the end.

When you look up, you're caught in his puppy dog eyes. "Just a little while."

He shifts awkwardly and stops. "Can... if I hug you, will I...?"

A chortle escapes as you smile and shake your head. "No, thank God. I don't kill everything I touch."

His smile spreads as he closes the space between you and wraps you in his arms. It's nice to be back in Sam's protective embrace, and reminds you of those nights you spent sleeping by him. Part of you longs for that again.

"Wow." The gruff voice breaks you out of Sam's hold. 

"Dean," you say

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"Dean," you say. You open your mouth but suddenly you can't remember what to say.

"What... what are you doing here?" His eyes dart from you to Sam and back again, demanding an explanation.

"She just came to say hi," Sam says for you. Sam always takes care of you. "That's all."

You stand still, your hands clasped in front of you, watching Dean's face as your heart plays a drum solo in your ears. You don't know what you were expecting, but you weren't prepared for the rush of emotion that engulfs you as his eyes pierce you from the doorway. "I'm sorry. I should go."

Sam shoots a look at Dean. "We were just going out, but... we can stay in. We'll catch up, get something to eat. ... Do you eat?" Sam asks you.

You smile shyly. "Yes. I eat." Not that you need to, but it's comforting to be reminded of what it was like to be human. You steal a glance at Dean who hasn't said another word or moved from the doorway. Suddenly, he strides past you both and heads for the stairs.

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