Imagine Me

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© 2013 Elizabeth Ruiz

Chapter One

I had to walk to my best friend's house to pick him up for the first day of school. I swear the kid won't get up until I start banging on his door.

Who am I?

I'm seventeen year old girl who lives in New York, the Bronx to be exact. So I might sound normal right? Well I guess you would, until you hear my name that is. Poppy Cruz. It's a nice name, the name of a flower, a colorful flower. Now what's weird about that? Well it's not weird but more annoying when someone calls you names like-

"Hey Poppycock!" My best friend called whilst pulling me into a bear hug. Now do you see what I mean about having a weird name? I rolled my eyes as my best friend Manny continued to hug the air out of my lungs. I hate the name poppycock but then I loved it, just because Manny came up with it. It's not original but it's his pet name for me. An annoying pet name but still, it was Manny who calls me it so I let it slide.

"Manny! I need to breathe!" I manage to yell with the little air I had left in my lungs. He let go of me and gave me his panty dropping smile. (That's what he called it) I smacked his chest and glared at him. "What did I tell you about call me that name, you bitch!" I tried to sound mean, which worked because Manny looked shocked when I called him a bitch. He shouldn't be, I do it all the time. His face made me laugh which then made him laugh.

"So what are we going to eat for lunch?" He asked as he closed his front door, a back pack on his shoulders.

Wow the boy could eat.

"How you're already thinking about lunch? We haven't even eaten breakfast yet." I asked him as we started to walk to school

"What?! Why are you looking at me like that?" He said. "I'm a man in the making, baby Cocks" He explained, he gave me a quick side hug and kissed the top of my head.

Again with the names.

"I wonder why I hang out with you sometimes, you're such an ass." I said pushing him softly, laughter in my voice. He moved in front of me, walking backwards.

"That's easy to answer Cocks, It's because you love me oh so much." He nodded to himself, content with his answer, a grin on his lips. I giggled at his confidence and shrugged nonchalantly.

"I guess that's true. I do love you." I tried to sound happy about it but my voice cracked.

I do love Manny, with all my heart. Just the thought of losing him brought tears to my eyes and the stupid ball of nerves in the pit of my stomach. You see, Manny has Cancer. It broke my heart just to think about the day he told me.

+++fash back+++

There was a loud bang on my front door, so loud I swear I jumped up in the air like the cartoon cat that was on television. I peeked through the curtain and sighed in relief when I saw it was just Manny. I quickly opened the door when I saw his face. Full of pain and sorrow. He didn't say anything when I opened my door, he just stood there. Looking down at me, breathing so hard it looked like he was having an asthma attack.

"I have cancer!' He blurted. My brown eyes widened.

"What?" I asked. I know it was a stupid question, but I had nothing to say. He didn't have to repeat it though. I didn't want him to. What broke my heart was when he finally broke down. He fell to his knees, his beautiful grey eyes full of tears.

A month after he found out, he got really sick. Vomiting the little food he could eat, which wasn't much to start with. I stood with him. I stood with him at the hospital, I held his hand when he couldn't deal with the pain. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep. I didn't take a shower. I was a mess, but I didn't want him to be alone, even though his mother was there.

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