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Zaida POV
"Damn" I mumbled. My head still aches and now my eyes are burning slightly, probably from adjusting to this newfound light. This time as I looked around, the walls were actual walls, like in houses not creepy basements. The walls are white and from what I can tell..freshly painted. The room I'm in looks like a little girl's. The pink bed set, small table with stuffed animals set up in chairs like guests preparing for the imaginary tea set out on the table. It's kind of creepy but definitely better than the basement.

20 minutes later

As I sit here and think about my family and friends and how I might never see them again, I've decided to call my captor No Name, unless he tells me his name which is unlikely. I've gone to the bathroom twice just to pass time. There's a shower and everything, I'm just too scared to get in it. I don't know how I feel about the situation, I'm mad that I'm not at home, but I'm also grateful he hasn't hurt me...yet anyways. For right now I'm bored and I'll probably take a nap, it's hard work moving about in shackles.

1 hour later
I wake up to the door unlocking. No Name walks in with a delicious platter of food. The thought of hunger completely slipped my mind. I wonder how long it's been since I've eaten.
He places one of those bed tables over my legs with the food on top. He just stares at me, head tilted slightly and wearing a different hand painted mask. I wonder what he's thinking. I won't lie, he has a nice body and his hair is gorgeous, a soft caramel shade. No Name caresses my face and grabs my chin bringing us face to face. I almost fall off the bed with the weight of the shackles but he holds me in place so I don't. It almost felt nice, but he's weird, he's kidnapped me, I don't know who he is and I want to go home. I snapped out of his grip.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Why would you bring me here?!" He looked taken back.

"Just eat." He replied calmly and moved swiftly out of the room.

After about 20 minutes No Name knocked on the door.

"I don't know why you're knocking when you have the fucking key! Stupid asshole!" I just want to go home and being polite is the last thing on my mind.

He waltz in, unphased by what I just said and moves the food table off and onto the floor. He tugs on my arm, gesturing for me to move off of the bed.

"Get away from me!" I go as fast (not all that fast considering I have shackles) as I can to the opposite side of the bed. He looks at me as I cower in the corner.

"Come." He beckons. I refused. He waited, then again.

"Zaida. Now."

"No stay away from me YOU'RE CRAZY." I've never seen anybody move as fast as he did.

"Don't you ever call me that." He breathed through gritted teeth. He was so close to me I could smell his minty breath and get a clear view of his burned honey colored orbs.

"I-I..." I couldn't get any words out.

"I love you and I don't want to hurt you. I only ever want you to feel love and pleasure. *sigh* I need you."

"You don't even know me." I mumbled.

"Oh on the contrary my love. I do know you I know so much about you. You think I just picked you randomly? I spent months watching you."

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