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Written 5/4/16

Justin POV
It's been three days since Zaida and I have last spoken or seen each other face to face. I saw her almost every time she came out of her room. I just looked at her and missed her like a sad puppy instead of going to her. She's calmed me and I hate it. I used to be crazy, psycho probably even insane. I've killed and beaten more people that I can count. I loved it. I stopped because of her, because of what SHE WANTED. What about what I want? I've been far too easy on her. Things are going to change. She going to realize that I run shit, this is my house and she belongs to me. If she doesn't like that too fucking bad. She needs rules. She shouldn't be able to disrespect me the way that I've let her time and time again.

For the first change..a haircut.

Zaida POV
I feel bad for Justin. I was too harsh. I know he needs me and I can't leave yet anyways so might as well be cooperative and nice to him. He's a big baby. He's so whipped anything I say goes. I run shit.

As I walk down the stairs to get food, I hear movement from inside the living room. When I reach the bottom floor I peer through the doors, what the hell? Where'd all Justin's hair go?

 When I reach the bottom floor I peer through the doors, what the hell? Where'd all Justin's hair go?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Justin?" He turns around for a second and goes back to looking at papers on the table. "You got a haircut. It suits you, I like it." He chuckles.

"Glad you approve." He sarcastically states.

I notice he's in a suit with no tie and it's only buttoned at the bottom.

"Style change?"

"Indeed. There will be many changes." I nod and go back to the kitchen. What does he mean by that?
I make myself a bowl of Cookie Crisp and try to eat it as quietly as possible in the kitchen.

"Eat out here." The tone in Justin's voice is hostile like it was when he made me watch him kill that girl. "Do you hear me?" I snap out of my thoughts and nearly drop my bowl of cereal while rushing to the dining room.

"Sorry." I mutter.

"What was that? Look at me when you speak." Venom dripping from his voice.

"I'm sorry." I look straight at him and state. Better is all he says before going back to his paperwork. I sit down and I can't help but keep looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" Justin asks without looking up.

"Nothing, but what's up with you?" I regretted it as soon as it left my mouth. Justin looks up slowly, clearly pissed off.

"What's up with me? I thought I told you about being disrespectful. Disobedient girls get punished. I've let your horrible behavior slide far too many times. It ends now. You will respect me. You will follow my rules and do exactly what I say no questions asked. Have I made myself clear?" I nod. "Use your words."

"Yes you have made yourself clear."

"Good." I get up to put my bowl in the sink and lock myself in the room when he stops me dead in my tracks. "Last thing, you're moving into my room." I groan. "What the fuck did we just talk about? Go to your room and wait for me. We'll be moving your things into mine."

"Okay." I can't believe him. I can't believe me. Why am I not putting up a fight? Am I that scared of him?

Justin POV
That went better than expected. I like Justin 2.0.

Zaida POV
"Grab as many hangers of clothes as you can hold and I'll show you where to put them." I carry about 12 outfits while Justin carries nothing. "This side is yours. Do what you want with it, just keep it clean. Am I clear?"


"Good. Continue moving your articles from that closet to this one. Come downstairs when your done." I nod and he leaves. This is going to take forever.

I finally finish moving and organizing all of my clothes and shoes after almost 3 hours. I head downstairs and to my surprise Justin is knocked out, head resting on the table. I sit down next to him as quiet as I can and rub his back instantly. It's habit I shouldn't have. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. First time in forever.

"Hi baby." He groans. "All moved in?" I nod. "Good. I'm tired let's go to bed." He gets up and reaches for my hand. We walk hand in hand up the stairs. "Your first night in the room you belong in." He whispers.

When we reach the room he goes to the left side of the bed, the side closest to the door and starts undressing. I guess I have the right side. I go to the closet to get my pajamas and head to the bathroom to change.

"Where are you going?" Justin asks.

"The bathroom. I'm getting ready for bed." I say as nicely as I can.

"The bathroom is in here, don't use that one anymore. You can get dressed here. It's not that big of a deal." I have to undress in front of him? Damn.

"Alright." He lays on the bed facing away from me. "Thank you."

"For?" Justin asks.

"Not staring at me while I undress. I appreciate it." I quickly change my shirt throwing my bra on the ground.

"It's hard for me not to." He chuckles. "I want to, but I know you're not comfortable with that yet."

"Well thank you." I run to the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed.

I feel hands creep around my waist while I brush my teeth. His head resting in my shoulder as he looks at me in the mirror. He kisses my neck and moves his hands to my thighs. "I'm so happy you're all mine." He turns me around and sits me on the counter, connecting our lips. When we part he picks me up and carries me to the bed.

"Goodnight my love." Justin flips off the light and huddles me in his chest.

I think I like how it feels.

Marcus POV
Drake really got me in my feelings with this new album. I miss Zaida even more.

A/N: I know it's a short one, but the character Q and A is finally here! Comment your questions next to the character you want to ask.




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