525 33 16

Zaida's POV
"Justin huh?"

"Yup." He states

"What's your middle name?" The more info I can get out of him, the better.

"Why do you want to know?" Justin replies with tinge of anger in his voice. I can tell he's caught my suspicious vibe.

"I'm just curious, if it's that big of a deal don't answer." Play it cool.

"It's Drew. I think that's what we should name out first child. Makes sense doesn't it?" He states casually.

"Our first child? Slow your roll buddy, I'm not having kids with you!" Shit. Shouldn't have said that.

"Excuse me? Last time I checked you didn't make the rules." Good he doesn't sound too angry. I'll just stop talking.

"WELL last time I checked you're not the one that would have to carry your psycho spawn!" I need to listen to my conscience before I get beat up.

He shifts his focus from unlocking one of the EIGHTEEN LOCKS ON THE DOOR to me. I can feel his glare burning right through me. He balls up his fists and I see his knuckles go white. I crossed the line with calling him psycho.

"I'm sor-" before I can even finish, he back hands me to the ground.

"Get up." He calmly demands.

I struggle with the length of the dress, for it's caught on my feet.

"Get. Up. Now." He's pissed.

"If you didn't put me in such a problematic dress I'd be up on my feet. Now that I think about it..I wouldn't even be on the ground if it weren't for you kidnapping me!" I don't care how mad he gets, he can go ahead and kill me, in the end he'll be playing the bigger fool. Let's see how his dumbass likes jail.

He punched me square in the mouth making blood splatter on the crisp, white carpet.

"Look at mister tough guy. You're a real man huh? Hitting a woman makes you real strong huh? You're a fucking pathetic coward. Go ahead, make my day and kill me right here right now. At least when I die, I die strong, when you die, you die a coward and a sorry excuse of a man. Kill me, the woman you love SO much." For back talking him I might pay with my life, but at least I know I won.

There's a change in body language, he un-balls his fists and the look on his face softens to almost a sorrowful stare.

"You're right. I love you and I'm sorry. You just make me so angry, and I have trouble controlling it. I'll work on it. I promise." An apology? After I just did what I did? It must be Opposite Day.

"How do I know you're actually sorry and not lying so you can do it again?" He gets down on his knees where I sat.

"I am sorry. I'm truly, truly sorry for my actions. I can't promise I won't do it again, let's be honest. I know I have issues, but that's why you're here. I can promise I'll work on it, if you help me and guide me. In order to show how deeply sorry I am, I'll fulfill any request you have, anything you ask for its yours just name it. Money is no object. Just know I can't grant you freedom from here." He rubs my hand lightly. I have one thing I can ask for. What should I ask for? "You don't have to answer right away, it can wait." Perfect.

"Okay, I'll wait then."
He picks me up from his kneeling position and carries me to, wait can you guess it? Yes, ANOTHER room. Not the one with the 18 locks.

"I don't know what I was doing trying to show you what was in that room. You're not ready, I was just being impatient and trying to rush the process." As though he could read my thoughts.

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