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Written 4/5/16
That's the mask he's wearing.
Zaida's POV
I couldn't sleep at all last night, too many nightmares. I kept dreaming about my life in 20 years if I'm still here, if I'm still alive. Justin and I had kids together, each one worse than the next. I kept seeing them everywhere no matter where I ran. They had gold masks on and were screeching at me. We need you!" they all chanted. I'm going to try and escape but first, I have to gain his trust.

Justin's POV
I didn't want to have to show Zaida my collection, but I had to. She needs to know what I'm capable of. I want her to think I'll do the same to her if she doesn't clean up her act, even though I can't even imagine hurting her like that. The majority of my victims are whores I find on the street, the rest are people I just don't like. You're probably wondering, how does he do it? Well, I'll answer your question, I follow them home, note their address, come back later and take them here without leaving a trace. Then the fun starts, I torture them to death. Sometimes I record their screaming or keep a strand of their hair as a souvenir. I like what I do, it's fun. Sometimes I just pick someone random, someone dumb walking alone at night. I bet you're also wondering, how do you have so much money? To answer your question, I own a huge marketing business called Bieber Enterprises. I work from home a lot of the time so I don't have to worry about leaving the love of my life home alone. Speaking of the love of my life, what time is it?

Zaida's POV
Justin asked me yet again, if I wanted to have breakfast with him so here we are, sitting down to eat. I'm happy it isn't McDonald's, the last thing I need is to be on that show my 600 pound life. After what happened yesterday I don't know how to act. I just sit silently or only speak if spoken to. I'm bored every single day, there's nothing to do besides watch Netflix and I think I've watched every single movie and show known to man. I would ask for a game console or something, but now I'm extremely afraid of him. I can't believe I admitted that to you, but I guess it's okay as long as Justin doesn't know.

I feel like we've been sitting at this table for ages, like we're both glues to our seats. He eats slowly, staring at me the entire time. I never look up to meet his gaze.

"Why won't you look at me?" He asks, I guess he noticed how I won't look at him.

"Why are you staring at me?" Still not looking at him.

"Because I can. Now I asked you a question, why are you avoiding eye contact?" He replies.

"I just... I don't want to." I say quietly.

"Well I want you to, so look at me." I lift my head slowly. He has a solemn look on his face. I hate not being able to predict his next move. "Better."

When we finally finish eating, I'm relieved I can stop looking into his soulless eyes. I head upstairs but he catches my arm.

"I want you to help me with something."

He's taking me to the basement, but not before blindfolding me.

We reach our destination and I'm absolutely appalled when I look around. There are there are a variety of torture devices and his victim. She's young, maybe 17 and she's naked and bound to the cold steel table. She looks so tired and scared. I want to help her.

"You're going to help me give this whore what she deserves." There isn't even a hint of emotion in his words. It finally all clicks though. He probably did the same thing to her. I'm probably next to be on this table and he'll be assisted by another unlucky girl. He's a serial killer. Now I know, he's the reason all those girls before me have gone missing, each 2 weeks apart. My time is almost up, I've been here 10 days he'll probably get a new assistant/victim in 4 days to help him kill me.

"Her name name is Shannon Parker, slutty name for a slutty girl." (A/N sorry if that's anyone's name! I love that name I just picked a random name!)

"I'm next...aren't I?" I start busting out in tears. I don't want to die yet and certainly not at the hands of a serial killer. I collapse into a crying mess on the floor at his feet.

"Angel, no no no! I love you! You're no whore! I didn't pick you out as my victim I picked you out as my future wife. I promise." He drops to the floor rocking me in his lap.

"You're lying! I saw the other girls you took! Each exactly 14 days apart! You took me 14 days after her! You're going to kill me just admit it." I weep.

"I am not a liar, I'm true to my word and I swear on our first born's life I won't ever hurt you like I hurt them." I internally gag before pulling out of his grip and cowering in the only empty corner.

"I'm just part of your plan. Just kill me. Please." I breathe between cries.

"No. Not ever. Stop crying. Get up and help me terminate this slut." I shake my head frantically. I will not hurt her. I rather be hurt than hurt her.

"I rather be hurt than hurt her. Please don't make me! I'll be good I promise if you just don't make me do this." I beg. He sighs scratching his mask covered chin.

"Then watch." The girl starts screaming and squirming uncontrollably on the table, begging for her life. "I love it when they beg, makes it even more of a delight!" He chuckles before grabbing a big knife.

I sat there for hours watching him torture her until her pleading goes silent and her eyes roll back. He's covered in blood from head to toe. Every time I tried to look away he'd tell at me to look. I hated every minute of it, but now he's finally done.

He stands there admiring his "work".

"She looks better doesn't she? I made her pure again." I don't know how a skinned human being is pure but okay. Her nails have all been pulled out, her hair was hacked off and put into a baggy and her woman's areas, completely gone. He's taken out organs and bones. He stitched her all back up before skinning her.

I won't be able to sleep tonight.

He pulls off his gloves and wipes the blood off his mask.

"Let's go to bed now. That's enough fun for one day, besides that it's late." He blindfolds me again and leads me into darkness.

While laying here and avoiding thinking about Shannon I also think about how I'm going to kill him. After all if I want to get out, he has to die.

A/N: I'm so sorry if that was too graphic! Don't worry I'm not sick, I got all those crazy ideas from Criminal Minds (Derek is BAE) Anyways, I know it's been like 2 weeks since the last update but, I've been so incredibly busy! Lol. Today is finally end of the quarter, so now I'll be able to update regularly. I hope you like like this chapter, I worked EXTRA hard on it! I'll talk to you later.

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