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Written 4/22/16

Justin POV
Last night was a good night. I think I'm FINALLY winning her over. The way she kissed me, god how I loved the way our lips moved in sync. I do feel kind of disappointed that she didn't want to go farther, but I'm happy to have gotten what I got.

Zaida POV
Last night was two steps closer the the main goal. If I can keep this up, pleasing Justin I mean I can get home.

"Can I come in?" My thoughts are interrupted by Justin softly knocking on my door.

"Mmm hmm." I respond as I continue flipping through a magazine Justin got me.

He hops on the bed and pulls me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

"I don't like them." Justin says.

"Who?" He points to a picture of the Kardashians. "Same." I giggle.

His hands move to my thighs as he runs his hands up and down them softly. Every hair on my body stands up. I just pretend not to care.

"Can I have a kiss?" Justin asks politely. I turn around and look at his puppy eyes and absolutely melt.

"I guess

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"I guess." I drag it out and turn around so that I'm straddling him while his back is against the bed backboard. He leans in and touches my nose to his.

"I love you." He whispers before placing his lips onto mine. Our lips moved together perfectly, his hands on my waist and my hands on his neck.

We pull apart and hold a steady stare for a bit.

"I need to paint my nails." I look at my nails in disgust while Justin looks at me curiously. I hop off the bed and rummage through a drawer trying to find the right color. I pull out a lavender color and go back to the bed. I begin painting my nails while lying on my stomach next to Justin.

"How do you get your hair like that?" He asks while twisting one of my curly locks around his finger.

"I put product in it so it doesn't frizz up."

"I put stuff in my hair too. It doesn't feel the same as yours though."

"Your hair texture is different."

"I know it just makes my hair feel weird and yours feels soft."

"You probably put too much product in it."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do."

"I don't know much about hair."

"I can tell." I giggle

"I'm so pale." Justin inspects his skin.

"You sound like a basic white girl." I chuckle.

"Do I? I don't know what that means."

"My bad Becky."


"Oh nothing." He begins caressing my skin and kisses my cheek.

"You know what you are?" He's positioned on his back under my arm right under my breasts.

"No what am I?" I continue painting my nails not looking at him.

"My caramel queen." I burst out laughing. "What?" He chuckles.

"Nothing. That's just funny." I giggle.

"I love it when you laugh." He looks at me clearly in a bliss. "But I love it even more when you moan." I nearly choke on my saliva.

"Ew." I slap his chest.

He leans up and licks my lip.

"EW." I say again.

"Stop saying that or I'll lick you somewhere else." He winks.

I try and crawl off the bed but he lays on top of me. Pressing his chest to mine, he's careful not to crush me.

"Squishy." He pokes my boob. "Are you wearing a bra?" I blush. "I'll take that as a no." He smirks before placing a hand over my right breast, massaging it slowly. I'm not going to protest because frankly, my breasts are so sore because I'm just starting my period. "How come you aren't mad?"

"My boobs are really tender Justin, you massaging them makes me feel better." I groan. They really are sore.

"Oh. That's because it's that time of the month, right?" I nod and groan again. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to get you a pain killer?" That's probably why they hurt so bad, usually I have medicine but since I've been here I haven't had access to Ibuprofen or Tylenol.

"Not quite yet." I whimper at the soreness.

"But it's hurting you. I hate seeing you in pain. I'll be right back." He leaves the room and comes back with medicine and a glass of water.

"Thank you." I chug the water and take my pill. Justin pulls me into his arms. All of the sudden I get a really bad cramp. "Fuck." I mutter. I get the worst cramps EVER.

"What's wrong?" Justin looks at me clearly concerned.

"I just got a really bad cramp. It's okay. Don't worry about it." I pull my knees into my stomach, praying it will ease some of the pain.

"Of course I'm going to worry about it, you're my main priority. Want me to massage that too?" He's being so cute. I hate it.

"Yes please." I straighten out my legs and move back into his embrace as he lays his large hands on my torso. I groan.

"Tell me exactly where it hurts." I point to the source of the pain. He begins rubbing circles on my throbbing midsection. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Justin POV
I'm the definition of whipped, but I don't care. I'm just happy she gets a period, that means we can have children someday. I think about it all the time. Obviously when we get married and have kids, I can't keep her here all the time. She's got to be able to do her own thing too. I know how strong her love of music is, and I can't imagine taking that from her for good.

I love her.

A/N: I know it's short don't be mad. I decided to push the character Q and A to chapter 15. I decided to postpone it so that you can get to know the characters a bit better. I'm really curious, do you guys enjoy reading this story?

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