Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

“I held up my part of the deal now it is your turn.” Ryder wrapped his arms around me after he put the bags of clothes down in his closest. Before we came home we both dropped some clothes off at the cave, knowing we could go there if we ever needed to and already have things there for us.

“Soon” I kissed his cheek, “Real soon but first I would love to go for a run.” He groaned “Just me,” I gave him a quick kiss, “Just you,” and another, “all alone together, after our run. Most likely we will both be naked.” I teased.

He picked me up and ran out of the house. I laughed the whole way. “You are terrible.” He said slowly setting me down. I laughed as he made sure every inch of my body ran down his.

“You gotta love me.” I laughed. He ran his hand through my hair, staring me in the eyes and before he could say anything I pecked his lips, “Tag your it.” I pushed him away from me and started running while I took of my shirt, giggling when I heard him growl. I ran behind a tree and stripped changing into my wolf.  For the next hour we ran together, messing around and enjoying the air in our fur. Once we were back at the tree we left our clothes near, I nudged his head to look the other way and thankfully he did being the gentlemen he was.

“All done.” I told him once I was dressed. He didn’t ask me to turn around, he happily and openly changed into human form with that grin on his face and put on his clothes. So much for being a gentlemen, I thought. “And you say I’m terrible.”

He reached out his hand, “Let’s walk.”

Happily I took his hand and entwined our fingers. It made me feel special when he would rub his thumb over mine. “Tell me about yourself.” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

“What would you like to know?”

“How you became alpha?” I asked remembering him telling me he would tell me another time.

“It was pretty simple, my father became greedy and the wrong type of leader for the pack. Katherina and I were fifty five at the time and we decided to take over. The pack needed a new and good leader. We fought our dad and his best friend and won the positions. We didn’t kill them since he was our father and our mother begged us not to, instead we banded him from our lands and we started making changes and treating everyone how they should be treated. Katherina is the first female beta and she gained everyone’s respect that moment. She really is a fierce leader, I love having her as my second, I honestly couldn’t have chosen better.”

“What about when Max accepts will he be your second or will she still be your second?”

“She will unless she lets Max take the position.” He simply answered.

“And will she?”


“Awe they are so cute.” I teased. “So can I be alpha and you be the he-alpha or something?” I joked.

That caused him to laugh aloud, “I would do anything for you.” I was just about to kiss him when I heard a voice that made me freeze.

“My Katherina is all grown up.”

I turned my head and my eyes widened at the sight of a very pissed of Bret.

“K, run,” Ryder begs me as Bret gets closer, “You promised.” With him saying those two words I knew where to run but it didn’t make me leave Ryder alone with Bret, the most dangerous wolf I have ever met.

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