Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Proceed to your assigned positions," Lippo said. "Hai," I muttered, different from the others. I've been a prisoner for months. Life here sucks. Well, since when was prison life fun?

I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n), an assassin, and I've been sentenced for 236 years. It's so humiliating and it just killed my pride.

I could always use my special abilities to get out of here but if I jump at that great height, I won't survive. This would be a great chance to GTFO. I'm currently positioned near Togari and since it's gonna take long, I've decided to sleep.

- time skip -

I heard the door open and I stretched and yawned. "So, you're the first one," I said in a monotone. "Hmm~"

I can see him through the dark. He looks like a jester. "You look hilarious." I chuckled. "I'm flattered," he said. I played with my throwing knife as he walked nearer. If he reached my range, I'll start attacking him. In 3... 2... 1... I threw him my knife but he managed to dodge it.

I blinked (A/N: It's the same as teleport. I knew that from playing Lol.) behind him and catch my knife and threw it at him again.

I did the same again and again. He's good at dodging but he's getting slits. I stopped when I heard him moan. I blinked in front of him. "What the heck?" I flinched. I saw him lick his lips. He pulled a card from his hair. It's the joker card. "Your favorite card?" I asked. 


"Ugh! Can you stop... being like that? Seriously." I said. He's weird and it's starting to bug me.

"Can't do." he shrugged. With a blink of an eye, he threw the card to me and it sliced through my right cheek. My eyes widened in surprise. No one's ever managed to give me a slit or anything. "You're- You're..." I hate to say this, "Awesome!" I said while my eyes sparkle at him.

It's his turn to look surprised then he smirked. His eyes showing fulfillment. I felt his card flying back but I dodged it. He simultaneously threw cards at me. It's my turn on having slits. I saw a card about to hit my face and I caught it. No way in hell I'm getting another scar on my face.

"Mmm~" he moaned again. 

He stopped throwing cards. We both stand still for a moment. I gave him a cold stare. He, unexpectedly, smiled. The heck? "That face turns me on." 

"You're freaking weird," I muttered, throwing the card back to him. He caught it and made it disappear. Typical magician. "You pass. You may now leave." I muttered. "But-"

"You didn't kill me yet so it's boring?" I asked, lying down. "Wrong," he said. I raised my brow at him, waiting for an answer. "I want to bring my new toy with me," he said, sitting down in front of me. 

What? New toy? Is he referring to me?

"I'm not-" then it hit me. If he wants to bring me with him, then I'm out of this prison. But sadly... "You can't bring a prisoner out," I mumbled. "Trust me, I'll find your way out."

"I can't trust a stranger. Plus why would you bring me out there?" I muttered before I could follow him. He faced me with a genuine-looking smile. "My name is Hisoka and I'm pleased to meet you." He said, bowing like a gentleman. "I would like to know you better."

"I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n). Pleased to meet you too." I replied, bowing with my ragged clothes.

A/N [3/8/2016]: Hey there! I'm running out of Hisoka imagines so I decided to write one myself.

I don't know why I liked Hisoka. Lolz. My friends think it's weird but whatever. Normal is boring.

I hope you enjoy the first chapter :) 

A/N [5/28/2020]: I'll make some edits from Chapter 1 to 35 because I saw a lot of things that need to change (e.g. grammatical errors and some loopholes). But anyway, how are you today?

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