Chapter 4

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Finally classes ended. One word to describe today's classes is boring. I've now got a chance to skateboard in the streets with Ash and Walter.

I went to my locker and took out my skateboard and helmet. "Come on! You are taking years!", Ash said," Coming!", I said as I closed rapidly my locker and went outside with Ash and Walter. As I walk outside I saw Travis looking and smirking at me while he was with his friends. I ignored him and jumped to my skateboard.

We skated to a skateboard park were we could do our tricks. First Walter did his trick, which was triple flip in the air and landed perfectly. Then Ash did her trick, a classical one flip. At last it was my turn, so I decided to do an awesome trick. The "Daydream Flip" and doing a triple flip in the air as I landed perfectly. "Thank you! Thank you!", I said as I bow to my friends,"Don't show off you weirdo!", Ash told me in between laughs.

We spent all the afternoon together in the park until 7:35pm came up in my phone clock," Guys. I think we should head to our houses.", I told them since tomorrow we had school," Yep. I think the same too.",said Walter supporting my comment," Yeah I feel- *yawn* tired.", said Ash with sleepy eyes," Okay. Let's go.", I said as I jumped to my skateboard and head to my home.

Some few minutes later Ash yelled to us," Hey guys! I will turn in this next street to head to my house! See ya tomorrow!", she said as she faded away from Walter and me. "I will com with you Kate so you get safe to your house!", Walter told me. I nod.

When we arrived toy house Walter approached to me," Hey..umm...I wanted to tell yoy something...", his words sounded nervous, but why?," Yes?", I asked," I...I know it's too soon, but...I really like you Kate...", as those words came out from his mouth I felt like I would have a heart attack. I kept in silence as he continued," ...and it's okay if you don't feel the same as I do...I just..needed to confess you this feelings I h-have for you...", he said slowly. I didn't have words for this situation. I kept in silence not knowing what to say. My mouth kept opening and closing, until I knew the words to say," Look Walter, I..I am really sorry to say but..I am not interested in any relationship right now. You are my best friend and..I want you to be happy with another girl that loves you back...I am sorry, but I don't have the same feelings as you have to me...I am really sorry...",I said as I looked deeply into his eyes letting him know that I was truly sorry and I was talking with my heart. "W-well, I see ya t-tomorrow...", he said as he jumped to his skateboard and faded away into the darkness, not letting me say any more words.

I felt very bad for him...I know he is my best friend and I really don't want to hurt him...I hope I said the right words for that situation...


Will Walter be the same around Kate?



See ya guys!!!

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