Chapter 8

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Next day•
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
School day. Again. I stood up from my bed and went directly to my closet. I really didn't know what to wear today. Hmm...maybe some jeans and a sweater...or some white leggins and a pink pastel shirt. I decided white leggins and a pink pastel shirt with my pink shoes.

I went downstairs and grabbed a simple bannana. Some minutes later when I had already finished the bannana the doorbell rang. I supposed it was Ash, which I was correct at seeing her at the other side of the road,"Hey girl!",she said smiling like always,"Hey!",I said giving her a smile back,"Ready to go?",she asked,"Yep.",I said quickly grabbing my skateboard and helmet with my black backpack.

•Time skip•
I was on History class, which was really boring. Why should we learn about people who already are dead? Anyways, I wasn't hearing the teacher at all. I was thinking about that stranger. UGH! I hated to think about him. But in some way I did like to think about him...remembering his voice, his eyes, his light brown messy hair, his smi-,"Here it's for you.", the guy behind me whispered to me handing me a note. As I opened it it said,

Hey beautiful. Want to meet at the end of classes?

UGHHHHH! That guy again! He never stops bothering me! I wrote at the small note the words, "No thank you, idiot. Stop bothering me." I handed the note to the guy behind me so he could give it to Travis. I looked behind and saw Travis smirking at me. I turned to the teacher at put attention to the boring classsaid,
Alexander the Great's defeat of the Persian Empire removed the bloc that had prevented the spread of Greek settlements into the East. Although no surviving evidence suggests-", the guy behind me interrupted my attention to the teacher when poking me in the shoulder, giving me the same stupid note from Travis. I opened it and said,

Why not? You don't have a boyfriend anyway. I'm just trying to get to know you better. ;)
-Travis I really have to deal with this jerk everyday? Wait! I can maybe tell him that I DO have a boyfriend, then he would stop bothering me. I am so intelligent. "Sorry, but I do have a boyfriend. So stop sending me this notes. If you send me another note, I will rip it without taking a look at it.", I wrote on the paper. I gave it to the guy behind me, as he gave it to Travis. I was looking at Travis's face when he read the note. He made a mixture of confused, angry and serious look. I turned again to the teacher, but then he asked,"So Ms.Katherine, as you were paying so much attention to my class, would you answer where was Alexander the Great born?", the teacher said looking directly to me. I felt my cheeks turn up red, but fortunately I knew the answer," Alexander the Great was born in Pella, Macedonia Mr.Turner.",I said with everyone on the class looking at me,"Good. As I was saying...", he said continuing the class. Phew! That was close!

•Time skip
I can't believe I was thinking about the stranger for the entire morning! Ugh! I hate this feeling inside when it comes to him. I aproached to my locker when Travis came to me,"What is the name of your boyfriend? Do I know him?",he asked, which I was confused by it. "It's none of your buissness. Besides, why do you care?", I asked him, acting like a pro. " I-I don't know! Just tell me!",he said almost shouting,"Look its none of your buissness, so please go away.", someone please hand me an Oscar. As I said that, he went away with an anger look.

What is going on with him?


Why is Travis acting so strange about the 'boyfriend' of Kate?



Bye guys!!!

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