Chapter 2

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I just got out of the shower and I'm going towards my room. I can hear the coffee machine making me a fair amount of coffe. Good, I need it. It's 05:46 and I have to be there at six o' clock exactly. I can't be late, it's going to be my first day there and I want to make a great first impression, to everyone. After ten minutes of standing in front of my wardrobe, I end up putting on my red T-shirt and my favourite pair of blue flared jeans. I brush my teeth and then hair, making it look look straight and smooth. After a couple of minutes, I catch myself thinking of Harry. Shit.
I go downstairs immediately, put on my brown, leather boots, grab my keys and walk to my car. "It's 06:03, great. I'm late on my first day", I told myself. As I enter the driveway, I notice something. "Why do I feel like I've forg- seriously, Margarita? You forgot your coffee at home? The only way to keep you awake? Who on earth does that?", I told myself. I get out of my car as I see my destination. The place I'll be spending over 80 hours a week. Seattle Grace Hospital.
I'm standing there still, frozen, under the spells of its beauty. This is the best decision I've ever made. I don't think I'll ever regret starting my career here. I finally decide to enter the hospital.
-"Excuse me, hi. I got accepted to Seattle's Grace to work here, as an internal at first but soon I'll be a professional surgeon", I told the woman behind the entrance desk.
-"Why do you think I care?", she says. I think she might not really like me. Or anyone else here.
-"Yeah, right. Um, could you tell me where to find the rest of the team?"
-"At your gathering place. Changing room, second floor", she says, answering my question.
-"Thanks", I reply as I'm grabbing my stuff.
-"Go away little girl, you're wasting my time".
I have to run so I don't miss the elevator. I get in and press the 2F button. I can see someone running towards me -he probably wants to catch the elevator- so I stand inbetween the mechanic doors.
-"Thanks", he says.
-"Yeah, sure", I reply, smiling at him.
-"I'm Paul, by the way", I hear him say.
-"Hey, Paul, I'm Margarita. Nice to meet you. You work here?"
-"No. Yes. Kind of. It's my first day here as an internal and I'm actually pretty nervous".
-"No way! Same over here! Yeah, I can tell you're a bit anxious. Such a relief, now I know someone. I mean we just met but, um... Yeah, you talk now", I say, feeling the embarassement all over my face.
-"I know what you mean, don't worry", he says laughing. "Have you heard about Dr. Bell, our boss? They say he's one of the best surgeons and everyone's scared of him. That's why the call him 'the Nazi' ".
-"I guess they have their own reasons to be afraid of him. I bet he's tall and muscly, with a really deep voice", I say, "Such a badass". We both laugh.
As we get out of the elevator, we walk into the changing room and I finally see the rest of the team I'll be working with. Two more girls and a guy.
-"Hi, I'm Margarita and this is Paul. We met in the elevator", I say to everyone and put down my light blue bag.
-"I hope there's no further information we need to know", I hear the girl with the black hair say.
-"Shut up, Samantha", the blonde girl tells her. She's really attractive. Samantha too.
-"Don't tell me to shut up, you barely know me. Blondie.", Samantha finally says.
-"Hi, I'm Stephanie, Stephanie Rose. But you can call me Steph", she tells me. "Don't mind Sam, she's a bit nervous about meeting Dr. Bell. Have you heard they call him Nazi?", she whispers, so Samantha can't hear her.
-"Yeah, I have", I tell Steph. She's really sweet.
-"Three girls and two boys in the same room. Hot. I take all three of you and little guy over there can take Bell. I'm Jake".
-"Wow, Jake, what a great way to introduce yourself", I tell him, trying to hide my giggle. "I'm Margarita. Are you always like that?"
-"No, just most of the time".
I put on my blue uniform and then, the big wooden door with a small window opens.
-"Morning you morons. I'm Dr. Nicole Bell and I'm going to be your boss in most of your cases", the woman with the short, dark brown hair tells all of us.
-"Nazi is a woman?", I ask Steph, who seems as shocked as I do.
-"I'm black, I'm short, I am the best -if not the best then one of them- doctor/surgeon in this hospital. But I'm definately not a man. Understood, Dr. Grey?", Nicole says to me, clearly mad.
-"Of course, Dr. Bell. I'm sorry".
-"Moving on", she says while exiting the room and all of us, obviously, follow her. "I have five rules you have to follow. Number one I talk really fast and I never, ever repeat the things I say. Number two I'm always right so don't tell me I'm not. Number three I run so you run. Number four if you disobey you stay out of any case for a day. Am I clear?"
I raise my hand. "Excuse me, you only said four rules. You forgot one".
-"Number five. Do not correct me. Once again, am I clear, Dr. Grey?"
-"Yes, Dr. Bell", I answer completely embarassed.
After an hour and a half of touring the hospital, boss starts talking. "Grey and Rose, you go find Dr. Styles, your other boss. The rest of you stay with me. We'll go find the chief". Another boss? I hope he isn't like Nazi, she's killing me. First day here and she already doesn't like me. How do I fix that?
-"Mhm, Dr. Styles. Sounds sexy, doesn't it?", I hear Steph say. She must've been talking for a while now, but I wasn't paying any attention.
-"Yes, it does. It turns me on", I reply back and laugh.
We just entered a huge hall, with about a hundred seats and tables. It must be the Doctors' gathering hall. Steph is trying to find Dr. McHot but at the moment, I'm thinking of that coffee I left behind.
-"Oh look, Margarita! I found him!", she says and grabs my hand. I turn around and almost collapsed. His green eyes are looking straight into mine.
-"Crap", I say, loudly enough so everyone in the room could hear me.

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