Chapter 3

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Everyone's staring at me. Steph doesn't know what to do, she's speechless. I can feel her big brown eyes on me but at this moment, all I can think about is Harry. The universe conspires against me. How can the man I had sex with last night be my boss? This can't be happening.
-"What's going on? Is everything alright, Dr. Grey?", he says with his hoarse and absolutely sexy- with a bit of hirony- voice. "Didn't you get enough sleep last night?". His hot, british accent is killing me.
-"No, sir, everything's great. If you'll excuse me, I have to go" I say with a trembling voice, as a result of being in extreme shock. I turn around and start walking fast, hoping he doesn't follow me. I exit the enormous room with the people in white and/or blue uniforms and walk straight to the parking lot. Thank God Dr. Bell isn't around.
I can feel the clean and refreshing air inside my lungs and that makes me feel relieved. "What do I do?" I think, hoping that any voice in my head could give me the answer. I start biting my perfectly manicured nails, making the red-like-fire polish peel off. "I can't avoid him for the rest of the day. People will get suspicious. I have to find him and tell him that what happened last night belongs to the past. He's my freaking boss!" I raise up my head. I hear a voice. His voice.
-"Are you done?" I hear him say. I turn and look at him. He's biting his luscious, pink lip and that makes me want to scream.
-"Yes, Dr. Styles, excuse me. I better get back inside, Dr. Bell might be looking for me" I reply with my eyes still looking at his lips. When I finally realise, I take my gaze off of him.
-"Dr. Styles? Oh, so you forgot what happened last night?"
-"Yes, and you have to as well. You're my boss."
-"Yeah I know, pretty weird isn't it? Twenty two years of age and I already am the best doctor here. And how old are you, 20, 21?" he says, obviously not paying any attention to what I said before.
-"I'm 20 but that's not the point!", I say back and a smirk appears on his face. I know that look. "Stop staring at me like you've seen me naked!" I say with a loud, yet not that loud voice.
-"But I have", he laughs and leans against me.
-"One time, and it won't happen again. Trust me"
-"You liked it, didn't you?". Oh no. Is he flirting with me?
-"That's not what we were talking about! Once again, you're my boss and I'm an internal. There's nothing else to talk about. I hope I made myself clear. Now, if you don't mind, I have to get back to work". I'm walking towards the big entrance of the hospital I admire so much. I can still feel him staring at me. Something's telling me I'm going to fall for him, but I don't want to and hopefully, I won't. Am I already falling in love with McHot? Does he like me back?
My beeper is beeping and my thoughts are now gone. Nazi must have got a case for me. I walk to the elevator and I see Steph. She seems upset and I think I know what's going on. I'm not in the mood for doing anything, except for surgeries, of course.
-"What the hell happened before? Between you, and you know, our boss? You understand that-"
-"Look, Steph, I really like you but right now? Please, stop! Everything's fine, I just got anxious". I'm trying to cover my lie but I think she found out.
-"Do you know him?" she asks, calm now and I think that's a smile on her face. I don't know what to tell her so I decide to stay quite. After a couple of seconds, the elevator reaches the third floor and I exit. I've got to find Bell before she finds me.
-"Hey, we're not done yet!", I hear steph say and I smile at her. "Oh you're so gonna tell me!"
On my way to the surgery I see Samantha and she seems happy. I know I've known her for like, four hours but I've never seen her that excited.
-"Hey, what's up?" I ask her.
-"Scott picked me for a case. Heart transplant" she replies. What a lucky gal.
-"Congratulations! I'm going to the surgery with Bell and Watson. Tumor removal".
-"Sure" she says and I fake her a smile. "Hey, is everything, um, okay?". Wow. I can't believe she actually asked that.
-"Yes. Well, no, actually. What time are you done? I finish in 48 hours" I tell her.
-"Yeah I know, all of the team"
I'm such an idiot, of course the whole team finishes in 48 hours. "Yeah right. Um, meet me at The Bar, maybe? I'll explain and hopefully, you'll tell me something about you, too" I mean that. I want to get to know her, I don't want to feel alone.
-"I'll see what I can do" she says and then leaves.
A tall man appears and calls Samantha.
-"Yang, we need you to translate something. We can't understand chinese", the man says.
-"Yeah, neither do I. I'm Asian, moron". Of course, I laugh.
I get in the surgery and I see Bell. "You're late" she tells me. I know I am and I know apologising won't make any difference. I nod and then wash my hands with a tone of soap. I put my mask on, enter the room and wait for Nicole's orders. I wonder what Harry's up to. I shouldn't be thinking of him, but I can't help it. He's stuck in my head and it's getting really annoying. I dismiss my thoughts and look at the patient. A man, about 50 years old. He was complaining about having really intense headaches that wouldn't go away. Turns out, he has a tumor. And we're going to remove it.

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