Chapter 4

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The tumor has officially been removed. Mr. Edwards, the patient, will be ready to go in 5 days. Bell thanked both me and Jake, something that made me really proud. That's something, isn't it? I mean, it's my first day here and my first surgery was successful.
I have 36 more hours of working. After that, I'll be working 18 hours a day, 6 days a week. For the next hours that remain, I'm getting no sleep so I have to eat something now that I'm on break. I grab two hot dogs from the cantine and go outside, to the place we eat on lunch break, to find the others. I see Jake so I sit next to him.
-"Good job today. We made Nazi proud" he says.
-"Yes, indeed". I have a bite of that delicious hot dog and I can feel my hunger being reduced.
-"That was amazing!" Steph says and sits down next to me.
-"And there's way more to come, Blondie" replies Samantha, who sits next to Steph. They're probably talking about the heart transplant.
-"You had surgeries and I get to have... stiches? Man, Dr. Bell must hate mel" says Paul who sits on the only spare seat, making the circle complete.
-"Stiches?" Samanta and Jake say, clearly dying of laughter.
-"Don't worry, Paul. I'm sure you'll get a great case, soon" I tell him. I truly mean that, I feel a little sorry for him. "And also, I don't think Bell likes any of us that much".
-"I bet she likes Dr. Styles" says Steph, making me feel really awkward. Everyone laughs and looks at me.
-"What the hell, Steph?" I shout as I grab whatever's left from my hot dog and stand up. I don't know where exactly to go so I decide to go to the locker room. I walk inside, sit on the floor made of marble and take another bite of my dreamy snack. Suddently, the wooden door opens and Harry bursts in. Great. I'm covered in mustard. He must have followed me.
-"Do you always do that?" I ask and wipe my bedaubed mouth with a tiny napkin I found on the also wooden bench in front of me.
-"Do what?" he says and sits on the cold floor, next to me.
-"Burst into locker rooms". He knows exactly what I'm saying, I don't know why he's playing dumb.
-"No. Only when I want something". I stand up and I can feel my heart beating so fast that it could stop. I know that, that "something" is me.
-"I don't know what you mean, Dr. Harry" I say. His perfect green eyes are looking straight into mine. I'm under his spell and I can't break it. I don't want to.
-"I think you know what I mean" he says back and smiles. He slowly walks towards me and I walk backwards until I hit the lockers. He softly takes my hand, then waist and he puts his palm on my cheek which at the moment, is on fire. He leans and put his lips on mine. He's kissing me.
Our tongues meet and his lips open and close. It's the best feeling I've ever experienced. His mouth tastes like sweet mint, something that completes his sexiness. Both of his hands are on my cheeks and mine, which are less strong than his, are on his dark brown, curly hair. I live for this moment. We continue to kiss, his lips against mine, his tongue inside me. I hear a woman talking outside the room Harry and I are in and quickly stand off of him. Then, Bell gets inside and looks first at me, then Harry and then again me, with a suspicious and confused look.
-"What are you doing here, Styles?" she asks with a bit of an angry tone. Harry looks at me and obviously doesn't know what to tell her. I decide to speak, hoping that I'll make the situation, um, stay calm. My two bosses are looking at each other.
-"He asked me to join him in a case but I told him that I already am in one with you, Dr. Bell" I say confidently. Or just trying to look and sound like nothing happened.
-"I didn't ask you, Dr. Grey" she replies and I immediately shut up.
-"I asked her to join me in a surgery but she told me that she already is in one with you, Dr. Bell" Harry says and smiles. His accent is so intense. "It's fine, Dr. Grey,  maybe some other time. I must go now, have fun at the surgery you two". He opens the door and leaves the interns' gathering place, leaving me and Bell alone. She turns and looks at me and I think she's about to say something.
-"If there's something going on between you and Styles, and you know what I mean, you're banned from any case for a month. Am I clear?". I nod my head affirmatively as an answer and I exit the room, without getting my tasty and unfinished lunch.
When I finally see my friends -or team, I don't know if we're friends yet but we'll get there soon hopefully-  my beeper starts making that annoying sound, which means that Bell needs me. She says she doesn't need anyone but I don't think she can do a surgery on her own. I'm on my way to the ER and Harry appears in front of me.
-"Bell wants me in so I'll guess we'll be working together on that case" he informs me.
-"And what did you tell her about the fake surgery?" I ask him.
-"I told her that it can wait, the 'patient' will be alright". Fortunately, I don't feel that weird talking to him. I don't know exactly the reason, I guess it's because it wasn't the first time we kiss -thank God we didn't end up naked.
-"Joanna Foster, a 50-year-old woman witha 70-pound tumor. Unbelievable" I say and he has a look of astonishment.
-"Guess we'll be together for a while" he says and bites his lip. I blush and look down. "Don't worry", he continues, "I probably won't do anything crazy while we're inside the surgery". I giggle and walk to the emergency room, leaving him behind me, following me.

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