Chapter 22 (a)

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Captain Cutler listened to Richard Tilston-Horn's accounting of the psionic attack that almost resulted in the death his party. His face was a mask neither revealing belief nor disbelief. Together with Marshal Cole, Miguel and the captain's personal AI assistant Boz, they stood in a mixed use space next to the ER bed where Security Chief Volks lay unconscious. A table and chair were folded back into alcoves and a large screen was on the wall. At present, it listed the patients on the ward and their status.

"The phenomenon experienced aboard the ship mirror what I experienced all those years," said Horn bringing his tale to a conclusion. "This time though it would appear that an individual may be the source of the psionic wave."

"Why had I not heard this story before?" asked Cutler when Horn finished talking.

"It was deemed classified. It was in a part of space that remains under discussion back on Earth," said Horn. "I'm sorry for that. However, you've been in space long enough to know though that some of the species we've come across have psi abilities."

Cutler grunted. "It's why I haven't laughed out loud at what you told me," he said. "Still, we haven't seen it in humans or seen other species use against us."

"No, but it was just a matter of time," said Cole stepping into the conversation.

"Yes," replied Cutler quietly. "Yes, it was."

"The Marshal showed me a picture of a uniform in the cargo container of your deceased passenger, said Horn. "I know this to belong to a psionic research branch of the military. I never knew much about the unit other than in my job, they were very interested in the story I just told you moments ago."

It was a lot to process. The captain appeared to be a man of intellect and healthy skepticism. However, there could be no denying what had happened on his ship and it did not fit any conventional explanations. He needed answers.

"So this psionic incident," began Cutler. "Tell me your explanation of what happened, Marshal"

"We believe Security Chief Volks identified a person who was the cause of the psi attack and responded in defence of those who were being hurt by it," said Cole.

Cutler's brow furrowed. He was annoyed. "You mean the man he shot and killed? I've seen the video, Marshal. To me it looked like a man trying to escape the pain like anyone else. How is it the Chief identified this man as being a threat and to pulled a weapon out and shot him?"

"The Chief and I have different styles but I think he saved lives today," said Cole.

Cutler turned to his AI droid. "Boz, do you agree? You were in security. Do you think the Chief acted accordingly?"

The lights on Boz's eyes flashed as was his custom before he replied. "Certainly only the Chief can say for certain," he began. "I have learned though that humans seem to pick up on things that I don't. Miguel was able to pick up on the same person the Chief did. In fact, he backtracked the man all the way back to where this psi phenomenon began. The trail of destruction started there. So, yes... I think Chief Volks did what needed to be done. He stopped the deaths that we witnessed happening in Central Plaza."

This seemed to placate the captain somewhat. "What do we know about the man that was shot?"

"We know from Miguel and Boz that he was being held in restraints in a utility room near Central Plaza," answered Cole. "His name was Alexander Singh, age 34 and listed as a computer specialist. Originally from Earth and working for Colonial Construct. His paperwork says he was going to set up a logistics center for his company on Hawks. He boarded at Arcturus but I have no record of how long he was there or how he arrived."

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