Chapter 30 (d)

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A timer on the desk counted down to when the stern pressure doors would open. Miguel was nervously tapping his hands on his pants, his eyes looking at the monitors showing several people gathering inside Central Plaza and outside in the surrounding corridors. The bow pressure doors on the other side of the plaza were just beginning to close as scheduled.

Only a few moments ticked off till the doors just outside the windows were to open. Till just recently, Horn had his legs comfortably crossed and looked the epitome of English cool. Now, he was sitting up with eyes on the monitors, his feet firmly planted.

There were windows looking down below to the corridor where the trap laid waiting but both Miguel and Horn stayed away from it. No one could see anything in it if they looked towards the window except their own reflections. 

The meeting was to take place just after the pressure doors were opened. Just enough time to clear the corridor. Or so it was hoped. Horn felt there was a risk that a civilian might be caught in the Faraday cage when it closed. It was why they hoped to clear most of the through traffic to and from Central Plaza before Goroshenko entered.

Miguel continued to fidget in anticipation. "Was it like this when you were a spy? Like a stakeout?"

"Think stakeout is more in the line of the Marshal's work," replied Horn. "But, yes. There were times when I was in unknown or hostile territory doing surveillance. Most times it was long and boring and the information gathered often wouldn't make sense. In fact, it would take years of analysis to figure out in many cases. Other times, the intelligence gathered was obvious and represented a clear threat to humanity."

"Like an invasion?" asked Miguel. The young steward cut to the chase. 

"Precisely like an invasion," replied Horn. "And you sent information home to stop it?"

"Not exactly," said Horn.

"You tried to stop it?" Miguel cried out.

"I had help," Horn replied quietly. Before Miguel could ask more, a voice crackled on the comm. 

"Heads up people, doors are opening shortly," said Cole. "There are a few dozen people in Central Plaza, many more in the corridors outside. Wait for them to clear. Target should pass just after that."

"Copy that," said Horn. They heard other affirmations from Captain Cutler and Deputy Security Chief Champion. Nothing from Volks. It worried Horn that the man was working another angle and could impede the operation somehow.

There were two timers on the desk filled with monitors. The first timer was counting down to zero and the second was T-minus five minutes. The video monitors showed crowds on both sides of the door getting ready for the moment. And that moment came and was met with klaxons and the rumble of the pressure doors opening to Central Plaza.

Miguel gulped. "They're so loud."

The rumble of the doors sideways shook the room they were in as well. Lights flashed warning people to stay clear. The klaxons and lights stopped the moment the doors were full retracted. The crowds converged from three directions: from Central Plaza, the Central Corridor and from elevator lifts which were now accessible at this level.

The second timer was now counting down but both Miguel and Horn were fixated on the monitors. Cole's voice could be heard again. "Attention all stations: doors are now open and people moving through. Our subject is likely in disguise so we are waiting for identification from our source. Stand by."

"How are we to even know who he is if he is under disguise?" asked Miguel as he watched people file through the doors. Despite the lateness of the hour there were dozens of people now entering and exiting the stern doors of Central Plaza. More were exiting the lifts.

"Process of elimination will help," said Horn. "Whoever is left crossing through to Central Plaza when this timer is done is likely Goroshenko."

"And if there is more than one person?"

"Then it comes down to whether Orion Ruskovich can help to see through the disguise," said Horn. He firmly hoped she could.

The timer neared the zero. Horn looked at the dart gun on the table beside him. He was the back-up if anything went wrong with the trap.

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