Chapter 19: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Skye Scorned

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Jade wasn't messing around. She knew how to be serious--considering all of the serious movies she has done in her career. And managed to look fabulous while doing it with a new relationship to go along with it. A relationship with the boy I've been in love with since kindergarten. She set her mind to something and stuck to it. Something I could never do. 

Ayden, Ethan, Jade, and I all sit in the waiting room of an adoption agency in Seattle, Washington. Ayden is texting away, engrossed by whoever he is texting (most likely his agent). Ethan is tapping annoyingly his foot on the floor to the beat of the music playing in the waiting room, curious to see what's behind those white double doors into the next room. Jade, also eager and curious, is absentmindedly staring at Ethan's tapping foot. I, besides these three idiots, am the only one actually preparing what I'm going to say to the doctor. Which is...nothing. I've prepared nothing. I understand nothing. Before, I acted confident and walked in confident as if I was the spokeswoman for the group and finally deserve some answers. But it all got lost in translation when I stepped through the glass doors for A Child's Angel, the adoption agency we're currently and been sitting in for the last half hour. I'm trying to remember what was going through my insane mind on the way over here, but to no avail. Now I'm just sitting here trying to recuperate something before our name is called. 

"So, what's your plan?" Jade leans over and whispers to me. "Are you going to fight someone?" I shoot a look at her. She shrugs, crossing her legs. 

"I'm not going to fight someone," I point out. "I have no idea what I'm going to say or do. Since when am I the person who has to say something?" 

"Because you're the one who marched in here with a purpose," she reminds me for the umpteenth time. "We've all been counting on you." Oh, right. Put all the pressure on me. No pressure! Before I can respond with a sarcastic comment, the receptionist calls out my name. 

"Skye Mackenzie?" the man calls out. "Ms. Mackenzie?" 

"I'm here," I raise my hand, lifting my chin. Jade kicks me in the shin, propelling me to get up and glare at her while doing so. 

"You can come back with me. The doctor is in his office, waiting for you," he says with a sweet smile. I look back at the three musketeers, and then follow the receptionist behind the double doors and into what seems like an eternally long hallway. "Dr. Littlefield's office is down the hallway and to the left. He'll be in a moment to answer your questions," he explains, shutting the door behind me as she walks in the direction where we came from, leaving me alone in the office. I stare around at the many pictures Dr. Littlefield has hung up on his wall. Pictures of his many golf outings, his family, and his dogs, as in plural. As I'm looking intently at his chocolate brown German Shepherd, the door clicks open. 

"Ah, Ms. Mackenzie, you can have a seat," he says, motioning to a chair next to his desk. He sits down in his large chair and opens a file. "I understand from your file that you came here from Los Angeles! What can I do for you?"

"Ah yes," I say, sitting down in one of the two chairs he has in his spacious office, "I had a few questions." Here it is. The time to get the answers. I take a deep, shaky breath. "I recently learned that I had a long-lost sister..." I trail off.

"Jade Winters?" he clarifies. I stop mid-sentence. I look behind me, making sure she's not right behind me. "Jade Winters is your sister?"

"Yes," I nod slowly, "how did you know that?"

"Because it says here right in this file that I put you two through adoption several years ago. You both ended up in Los Angeles, in fact. Actually, it's quite ironic because I put you with a family in South Carolina...the Hallaways." My jaw drops to the floor. He continues. "But then something happened and somehow you ended up in the foster system. You weren't in the system for long, however.That's how you ended up with the Mackenzie family so many years ago," he explains.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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