Chapter 6: Like Mother Like Daughter!

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, disturbing me from my peaceful sleep. I stretched out my hand and grabbed my phone to shut up the music that was playing from it.

Why does school have to be this fucking early, why can't school just start at like 10, when everyone is awake and not feeling like they can rip someone's head off every time someone said good morning.

I sighed and got out of bed, padding my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then hopped in the shower. The warm spray woke me up and relaxed my hard muscles from yesterday's workout. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked towards my walk-in wardrobe and decided to wear ripped black shorts with a grey off shoulder top. I put on my black and white converse and reached for my leather jacket.

I walked downstairs, heading towards the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water. I heard a yawn behind me and turned around to see my dad walking in the kitchen in his usual wear. He came towards me and kissed my forehead, while switching on the coffee machine. "Morning dad" I said. He groaned "morning sweetie".

"Rough night?" I asked. He chuckled "don't get me started". He turned around to grab a cup and pour some coffee into it. "Alright, well I'm heading out now, see you later" I said while grabbing my bag and heading towards the garage. I heard my dad shout goodbye to me, along with a yawn.

I opened the garage door and got on my motorbike. I revived the engine and raced off. I drove in the school gates and parked my bike neatly. I switched off the engine and got off my bike and picked up my bag. I walked into the school, ignoring the stares and walked down the corridor. The bell went signalling the start of first period. I slowly made my way to my lesson when suddenly I was pulled into the janitor's closet. "What the fu-" I shouted, but a hand covered my mouth. I quickly elbowed the figure behind me that covered my mouth. I heard someone grunt "damn girl". I then realised it was Hunter. I pulled his hand away from my mouth and turned around "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked my voice filled with anger. Hunter turned around and clicked something on the wall. The janitors closet illuminated with light.

I could clearly see Hunter now. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a tight V-neck t-shirt along with his signature leather jacket. His hair was styled to perfection today.

Wait what, Alex stop checking him out. I heard a smirk and looked at Hunter straight in his eyes. "When you're done checking me out, I'll tell you why I pulled you in here".

I rolled my eyes, covering my blush that threatened to creep out on my cheeks. I nodded for him to continue. "So, your Bandidos daughter" he smirked. My eyes bugged out of their sockets. How does he know about my dad? And better yet how does he know his biker name. I cleared my throat "you know my dad?". He chuckled "only every biker knows your dad, he's a fucking legend". That's true a lot of bikers know my dad, not just nationally but internationally. My dad is one of the most feared and respected bikers out there. Even his biker name can bring people fear. However, it's hard to be on the run with a legendary father. I sighed and nodded. "So, your aware of my father I guess your also aware on how he has taken over our bikers alliance and become leader". Hunter nodded with a smile on his face. "Why so happy, usually when people find out about my father they get all fearful and paled in the face" I said waving my hands around. Hunter just stared at me like I had grown two heads. "What?" I shouted. He smirked and finally responded "I just can't believe I'm talking to the Bandidos daughter". I huffed and was about to walk out of the closet, but Hunter grabbed my arm before I could leave.

"Hey, hey wait, ok I'll stop talking about your father" he said. I turned around and saw him smirking at me. Again, with that stupid smirk. "Ok, was that all you dragged me in here for and made me miss-" I looked at my watch to see it was 9:10." -over 20 minutes of my lesson" I said while putting my hand on my hip. He scratched the back of his neck saying "yeah pretty much". I rolled my eyes and walked out of the closet, heading towards my class which was English. I opened the door and walked in, immediately everyone's gaze snapped towards me. Ugh here we go. "Miss Johnson your late" the teacher said. I clapped my hands "well done for stating the obvious" I smirked. The teachers face was turning red and the class was laughing. "Just go and sit-down Miss Johnson" the teacher snapped. I grinned and went to the back of the class and sat down on the chair while putting my feet up on the desk. I saw the teacher glare at me, but I just shrugged my shoulders and stared out of the window. Finally, class ended, and I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

I already know this shit that they teach us, why do I need to come here and listen to what I already know. I groaned and walked to my next lesson. Finally, it was Lunch and I walked into the cafeteria. I walked to the front of the line, grabbing a sandwich and an apple along the way. Handed the lunch lady my money and walk off, ignoring those stupid stares. I was about to walk out of the lunch room when I heard someone shout my name. I turned around only to be engulfed in a hug. I stumbled back but regained my balance. The attacker pulled back and I noticed it was Lauren. "Oh, hey Lauren I didn't know you go here" I said while adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"Yeah I do, along with my brother, come sit with us" she said while linking our arms together. The whole cafeteria was watching as the scene unfolded in front of them. We were heading towards a table that consisted of Hunter, Connor, Ryan, Leo and Alfie. The boys made room for me and Lauren. "Hey, look who it is" Ryan said while slinging his arm around my shoulder. I heard a growl come from Hunter, but Ryan just shrugged. I pulled out my sandwich and started to eat. I noticed that Michael and Rose weren't here. "Michael and Rose don't come to this school?"

Connor answered "Nah, Michael dropped out of high school and is working with his father most of the time and Rose is a nurse in training, so she spends most of her time working in the hospital". I nodded.

"So, Alex, we heard your Bandidos daughter" Connor stated. I nodded again and took a bite out of my sandwich. "So, how's that like?" Connor asked. "How do you mean?" I questioned.

"Like, how is it being the worlds most feared biker's daughter?" he smirked. Everyone stared at me waiting for me to answer. "Well, it's all I've ever really known; it has it's downfalls, but my dad taught me to protect myself against any attacks that could come upon me. It's a dangerous life to be involved in, but I know no different" I said. Everyone stared at me. There was silence for about a minute before Alfie broke it by saying "So have you ever been in any life-threatening positions?" I nodded saying "yeah I have, quite a few actually but I managed to get out alive and so did my dad. Like I said my dad taught me at a young age how to fight and how to use various weapons". I looked at everyone's faces. They looked a bit shocked but also like they understood what I was saying.

The bell went signalling the end of lunch. We all got up and headed to our next lessons. I really like these guys, they seem like my kind of people. I hope our friendship would last and not go down like all my other relationships. Well except for Hunter as he is a pain in the ass but everyone else, I liked. Finally, it was the end of school and I was about to leave but some barbie decided to step in my way. I glared at her. Is she asking for another beating because I would gladly dish it out to her.

"Where do you think you're going, bitch?" she said while crossing her arms. AWH HELL NO. This dumb ass barbie better not of called me a bitch. Well I mean I am, but she doesn't get the privilege to call me that.

I smirked "you asking for another beating?". Fear flashed in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up but tilting her head. She turned to her little sheep behind her but surprisingly threw a punch towards my jaw. It would have made contact with my skin if it wasn't for my fast reflex actions. I grabbed her fist before it connected with my jaw.

Who the fuck does she think she is. I twisted her fist and she yelped in pain. That's right bitch. She tried to swing at me, but I grabbed her wrist. I twisted it slightly so that she would cry on the floor in pain. She went down to her knees with me still holding her fist and her wrist. By now we have gained a crowd of people watching. In the corner of my eye I saw the gang with Hunter. "Now listen up here you little fake ass bitch, the next time you even think about coming up to me, remember I can fucking break you no problem" I said strongly making sure she could hear me along with everyone else. I gripped her wrist more making her yelp in pain. She had tears coming down her eyes making her mascara run.

I gripped her wrist more staring at the stupid girl in front of me crying in pain, until I heard a satisfactory crackling of her wrist. She screamed in pain and I smiled to myself. Then pushed her hand and her wrist towards her and walked away, heading towards my bike. I put my bag in the compartment and got on my bike starting her up. I saw Lauren run towards me along with everyone else. "Oh my god, that was fucking amazing how the hell did you manage to do that. You like broke her wrist with one hand" she cried while the others just smiled at her. I smirked "yeah well, I taught her a lesson not to mess with me". Everyone headed towards their bikes and started their engines. We all rode outside of the school gates and headed towards the track bar.

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