Chapter 24: The Bloody Escape

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It's been 3 days.

Max has lost a lot of blood but is staying strong. We get food every so often. Well if you call stale bread food. Some of Don's men have come into the cell and beat the crap out of me. Probably because my father's gang has killed some of their family members in the past. Max has tried his best to protect me by taking the beatings, but I don't allow it as he is too weak; and getting beaten up would not do him any favours.

I'm still sat in this god forsaken chair. My blood has dripped down it, decorating the chair. My clothes are ripped and ruined. At least their black, so my blood does not stand out too much. Don's men have taken all my weapons, so I have no guns. But I do have that knife I snuck in my bra as precaution. Thankfully they haven't found it yet. I was waiting for the perfect time to attack and get the fuck out of here. But my only problem is Max. He's still too weak and I don't think he can walk on his own. I don't want to leave him. I'm not going to leave him. He is a valuable and loyal member in the gang. Furthermore, we look after our own, so leaving him behind is out of the question.

"Well well well" Alaina said as she walked into the cell. I looked up and saw that she was smiling like a mad woman. She walked up to Max and lightly kicked his foot. Max grunted but stayed down, lying on the floor. At least he's still alive.

"So, how does it feel?" Alaina said as she pulled up a chair, facing me. I frowned. "What?" I crocked. She smirked at my discomfort.

"How does it feel to be a prisoner, to feel abandoned and worthless?" Alaina repeated. I glared at her. God, I wish I could get out of these bonds, that way I can punch her to oblivion.

"Not talking huh?" she said. I continued to glare at her.

She got up from her seat and walked towards me. I followed her with my eyes. She drew her fist back and punched my jaw. I grunted from the pain as my jaw was pulsing with raw pain. I try not to scream when they beat me, I would not give myself the dishonour.

"You know, you say that your observant and smart. But you never suspected me to be the rat. You have caught my phone calls with my dad a few times. But you still thought nothing of it" Alaina said. She punched me again but this time in my stomach. That one knocked the wind out of me and I leant forward, trying to get my breath back.

"Your pathetic, I don't know what Blake see's in you, but you're a worthless piece of shit" Alaina spitted out. When I got my breath back I started to chuckle. That chuckle turned into a laugh. Alaina laughed with me and then said "What's so funny?". My laughter quietened down, and I smiled.

"Now I understand why your so pissed with me. The main fact is obvious. You want to impress your daddy. Showing him that you're a big, strong girl. But, I don't think that's what's fuelling your fire" I said. Alaina raised her eyebrows. "Oh, you don't" she stated rather than questioned.

"Yep. You like Blake, or maybe even love him. And you're so pissed that he's head over hills for me and won't even batt an eyelash towards you" I said in a strong tone. Alaina gritted her teeth and sent another punch my way. I closed my eyes, to subside the pain.

"You don't know shit" she shouted. I looked back at her when the pain turned into a throbbing sensation. "Oh, I don't. Then why did that piss you off so much?" I said in a mocking tone. She was about to punch me again, but someone stopped her.

"That's enough" Don said. I looked behind Alaina and saw Don walking into the cell. He stood next to Alaina and whispered into her ear. As I was in hearing range I heard him tell Alaina that I was just trying to push her buttons. I looked back down at Max and saw that he was awake, but he kept lying on the ground. Alaina sent me glare then left the cell.

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