Chapter 13: The Wake Up Call

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I heard someone shouting in the background and the sound of glass, smashing. I heard Alaina's sobs choking down the line. "Alaina what's going on?" I said with concern lacing through my voice. "I-I I'm sorry I c-called you b-but I can't..." Alaina sobbed down the line. "Alaina, where are you?" I said while getting up from my bed and grabbing my leather jacket.

"I-I'm at h-home, but you can't come here" she choked out. "Alaina tell me what's going on, why did you call?" I said softly. I heard another crash and the sound of someone banging on the door. "I d-don't know I just need help and I-I didn't know who else to call" Alaina sobbed. "Ok, alright Alaina calm down, now listen to me very carefully" I stated. "Ok" Alaina whispered.

"Right, now Alaina you need to get out of there; whatever is happening you should not be in the middle of it, try and find a way out and I'll meet you at that cafe I gave you a lift to, ok?" I said firmly. I heard yelling and a sob coming from Alaina. "Ok I'll try and sneak out the back window" she whispered. "Ok if you're not at the cafe in 10 minutes I'm going to go to your house" I stated. I heard a gasp "N-no you don't need to come here, I'll be at the cafe as soon as possible" Alaina ranted. "Alright see you in 10" I said and ended the call.

I was about to leave my room but noticed that I was in a pair of black pyjama shorts and a blue tank top. I had no time to change so I put my leather jacket on and grabbed my bike keys. I checked the time to see that it was gone 5 in the morning. I ran downstairs and quickly went into the garage to hop on my bike and head to the cafe.

I was there in 8 minutes. I stopped my bike right where I left Alaina a few days ago. I checked my watch to see that she had 2 minutes until I would head towards her house. The 2 minutes passed, and I was growing impatient.

What the hell was going on? Who was that person shouting and smashing things in her house? It sounded like a male's voice, so It could have been her dad. The longer I thought about it, the more restless I got. I started my bike up, ready to head towards her house. I got her address by hacking into the school's system. To be honest it wasn't that hard to hack, a 12-year-old could hack that system. I was about to leave but saw someone running towards me. I immediately recognised the person to be Alaina. She was wearing a pair of light blue pyjama bottoms and black t-shirt. She also had her coat on as it was a bit chilly out here. I looked up and noticed her red eyes and tear stained cheeks. She had a busted lip and bruise forming on her left temple.

I got off my bike and strode towards Alaina. She stopped in front of me and she was clearly out of breath. "Alaina what is going on?" I asked. "M-my dad, h-he" Alaina said out of breath. She couldn't finish her sentence before choking on a few tears. I nodded my head and said "Ok come on, let's get you back to mine, it's freezing out here". She nodded, and we walked over to my bike. She got on behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I drove to my house and noticed that the lights were on. Dad must be up.

I parked my bike and walked into the house. Alaina was right behind me looking at my house as if it was one of the most amazing things she has ever seen. She was about to say something but we both heard the door slam. Alaina whimpered before our heads snapped towards the sound and Alaina hid behind me. "Where the hell have you been?" dad boomed. I heard Alaina whimper again. "Dad calm down, I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was going but to be fair I didn't have a lot of time" I said and gestured to a frightened Alaina behind me. Dad looked to what I was gesturing at and saw a frightened Alaina. His expression went from fury to confusion.

"I needed to get Alaina as there was a problem at her house" I said. My dad took a step forward and I heard Alaina whimper again. She sounded like a scared puppy. "What kind of problem?" dad asked. He was looking at Alaina, but Alaina kept her head down. "To be honest I'm not sure but she is pretty shaken up, all I know is that someone in her house was pretty angry and may have directed that anger at Alaina" I said softly. Dad expression grew soft as he peered at Alaina. He must have noticed that she had a couple injuries as he went into the kitchen and gestured for us to follow.

I was about to follow him, but Alaina gentle held my wrist preventing me from moving. She looked at me with frightened eyes. I got the message that she was frightened of my father. "It's ok, he's not going to hurt you, if anything he is going to help you" I said softly. Alaina nodded and we both headed into the kitchen. I saw that my dad had his head in the freezer, obviously looking for something.

He grabbed an ice pack and a first aid kit from the cabinet. He placed the items on the kitchen bar counter. "Take a seat Alaina" my dad said softly. Alaina looked at me as if asking for permission. I nodded, and she slowly sat on the bar stool. Dad carefully examined her busted lip and the bruise on her temple. He cleaned the wounds and told her to place the ice pack on the side of her head. "Do you have any more injuries?" dad asked softly. Alaina looked down and swallowed. Obviously, that was a yes.

She slowly nodded but kept her head down. "Can you tell me, please?" Dad said. Alaina looked between my father and I before nodding again. "I-I have a few on my stomach and my arms and maybe my legs" she said quietly.

"Ok can you take off your coat please" dad asked. Alaina nodded and slowly took off her coat to reveal a set of bruises going up her arms with a few open wounds. Alaina did not dare look at us as she may have been scared of our reactions. My dad carefully treated the wounds on her arms and the ones on her stomach. She had a nasty gash going from her hip to her belly button. It looks like someone sliced her with a knife as it was one clean slit. After dad attended to those wounds, I treated the wounds on her legs. Her knees were scrapped, and she had a few fresh wounds as well as old bruises. It looks like this has happened before to Alaina. By the time we finished attending to Alaina it was gone 6 o'clock. "Right I'm going back to bed to catch a few more hours of sleep before heading out, you are welcome to stay with us Alaina, we have many rooms for you to choose from" dad said cheerfully. I smiled at him and nodded in agreement. "That's very kind of you, thank you Sir" Alaina said softly. "Oh, please call me John, Sir is too formal for me darling" he chuckled. Alaina smiled and nodded. Dad went upstairs to his room.

"Right, well I would give you a tour, but I am so tired right now, so do you mind just crashing in one of the bedrooms upstairs?" I asked. Alaina nodded. "Yeah sure, I'm pretty tired to" Alaina said. I nodded, and we walked upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms. I opened the one that was near my room. It had a similar design to my room, but the walls were a dark green colour. I looked at Alaina and saw a surprised look on her face. "Is this ok?" I asked. She walked inside the room and touched the soft bed sheet. "Yeah this room is lovely, I absolutely love it" she said. I smiled "Well great then it's yours. Whenever you need to crash over, this will be your room" I said.

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Really?" she asked. I nodded "Yep my room is just next door so just shout if you need anything" I said. I was about to walk out but Alaina instantly ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug making me stumble back. "Thank you so much Alex" she said. I hugged her back and said "No problem, now get some rest thankfully it's Friday so just sleep". She nodded and walked towards the bed. I left her room and went to mine.

I took off my leather jacket and crawled under the covers. Well this was certainly a turn of events. What happened at Alaina's house? Who did that to her? Why would someone want to hurt such an innocent girl?

All these questions were clouding my mind. It ended up giving me a headache, so I gave up and let sleep overcome me.

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