Chapter 27: Bounced back!

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It's been 5 weeks and I'm officially fully recovered. In actual fact, I recovered last week but dad and Hunter wanted to keep me contained for another week 'just to be sure'.

Hunter has tried to skip school, but I convinced him not to as finals were just around the corner. Dad has been taking my advice and is monitoring Alaina and Blake's activity. So far, nothing. But they'll show their faces soon. I just know it. Right now, I'm in the living room, playing mortal combat. Dad's at the Office while everyone else is at school, so I'm all alone.

Well that's a lie, I'm not actually alone. Dad keeps a few of his men lurking around the house to keep an eye on me. They're probably in the hot tub or raiding our fridge. Suddenly I heard a haul of bikes outside the house, dad must be back. Speaking of bikes; dad bought me a new one as my old baby was totalled. He got me a Yamaha yzf r1. It's a racers bike and I love it! I do miss my old Harley, but she was getting old. Also, I was thinking of getting back into racing and this baby sure would get me there. (PICTURE OF BIKE ABOVE)

I got up and walked to the door that leads to the garage. I opened the door and saw dad getting off his bike, along with Kyle, Tony and Max.

"Max" I shouted and ran towards him. He smiled and opened his arms for me to hug him. I clung onto his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm so glad you've recovered" I said sincerely.

"Yeah, I've still got a few cuts but they're not that deep" he said whilst putting me down. I looked at his face and saw a few healing cuts on his temple and cheek.

"But to be honest I wouldn't be here without you" he said and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Oh stop" I giggled. He chuckled and shook his head. I felt an arm go over my shoulder as my dad pulled me closer to him. He kissed my forehead. "That's my girl" he whispered.

"Thank you Alex" Max said with so much passion. I smiled and nodded at him. He nodded back and we all went inside the house. We walked into the kitchen and I sat on one of the stools. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and stated "Status report". I took a bite out of the apple and watched Tony going to the fridge.

My dad laughed while nodding his head.

"Well, we've been monitoring all the CCTV cameras. Not just here in California but everywhere. The UK, Italy, everywhere. So far, we've found nothing. He's hiding his tracks, but we'll find him. I also took your advice and we're looking out for that rat, Alaina. Also, your ex boy toy, Blake"

I slowly nodded my head and kept my gaze on the kitchen wall. "I should've known that she was the rat" I whispered to myself, but dad must've heard me because he gave out a loud sigh.

"It's not your fault Alex. So, don't blame yourself" dad stated. I didn't answer him and just kept my gaze at the wall.

"Anyway, on less depressing news. The guys in training miss you and can't wait for you to go back and train them until they collapse" dad laughed. I giggled and took another bite out of the apple.

"Yeah, I'm all healed so I'll go visit them next week after school" I said.

"Good luck for those exams but I doubt you need it. You're the smartest person I know" he said. I smiled and chucked the core of the apple in the bin.

"That's because I have a photographic memory" I replied. He smiled at my response and went to go make him a cup of coffee.

"I'm home" we heard Hunter call from the front room.

"In here" I shouted. Within a few seconds, Hunter came strolling into the kitchen and walked up to me. He bent down and kissed my forehead while wrapping his arms around my waist.

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