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Bones poking out of her skin.

She's pale as a ghost,

But refuses to see the danger she's in.

60 pounds down.

40 more to go.

Maybe someone could help her.

If she'd let someone know.

She's 110 pounds and looks unhealthy.

She continues to suck in her stomach

as she cries "God, help me!"

She wasn't always this sick.

She used to be beautiful.

Now she only sees herself the way she feels.

She hates herself and who she's become.

She's too far gone now.

Her soul is numb.

She suffers day and night.

Lying to herself when she says

"i'll be all right."

She knows her health is in danger

But she can't turn back now.

Her body is now a stranger.

She's stuck inside of her broken mind.

Withering away a little at a time.

She's losing herself a little more by the minute.

She's collapsing in guilt

but she knows she can't win it.

She's convinced herself that she can recover.

When she does,

the world is gonna love her.

She's naive in her sickness and she's playing with her fate.

Recovery is only an option if you seek help before it's too late.

10 more pounds quickly dissapear.

She's in so deep now that she's lost the ability to have any fear.

Someone needs to help this girl.

She's given up on trying.

Someone needs to save this girl.

She's on the verge of dying.

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