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Her body pleaded for help,
But her mind couldn't tell.
She's losing all sense of reality.
Slowly slipping into fatality.
She was living in hell
and she hid it all too well.
Contemplating a way to get out,
Climbing mountains with no way down.
Her mind has trained her to be someone else.
She's stuck with a fate that won't end well.
Yet, she keeps quiet still.
She's too involved to ever tell.
Her body is begging her to save herself.
She's too far gone now to notice she needs help.
She doesn't want to live in this nightmare.
Miserable and secretly scared.
She's so lost and damaged now.
Mental torture has broken her down.
Years of slowly killing herself inside,
Have made her believe the voice that wants her to die.
Her tears fall like broken glass.
Every day is just another one she wishes would pass.
She's suffering inside but holding it together.
Pain has taught her that time won't make it better.
She knows she's putting her body in a fragile state.
But these thoughts in her mind won't let her escape.
Her head is going crazy
And it's all she can take.
A disease so powerful that it controls every move she makes.
She never chose this for herself.
But once it found it's way inside of her brain,
It was all over from there.
She didn't get to choose her fate.
Her body pleaded for help.
But her mind couldn't tell.
Now she's in so deep that she can't even see how far she fell.

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