Chapter 2

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 To the right is Betsy...some of the details are off but the actor still fits good with her character. Enjoy.

            Uncle Ben finally appeared at the hospital. Poor Uncle had blood red eyes and the look of a dead man all night. On less dramatic days he looked pretty young and was sometimes mistaken for a twenty-five year old. His neck length dark brown hair that could pass as black was caked to his neck with sweat.

             “Hey pal, you’ve had a tough night. There getting to the bottom of it. Their going to find out what happened and everything will be back to normal,” he said while giving me an awkward hug. He calls me these stupid nick names, because he thinks they’ll make me feel apart of the family.

            I moved in with them three months ago and things between uncle, auntie, and me still felt unnatural. “I know everything is going to be back to normal. Hopefully sooner then later,” I said just to set his mind at ease, because we don’t need anymore conflict. But I knew as long as I was around their life would always be hell.

            He rearranged himself on the hospital couch and looked directly into my brownish green eyes. Then he drew in a sharp breath as if to prep himself for a serious talk. “Well now that,” he started before I interrupted him.

            “I’m kind of hungry, so I’m going to the hospital’s cafe down stairs,” I said as I jumped off the couch and speed walked out the door before he could disagree.

            I know running away won’t stop him from his little parental talk about our current situation, but I hate it when he tries to be my replacement dad. It was all too much for me and I rather skip the whole emotional speech. It just wasn’t for me.


            This hospital is so big, I thought. I roamed the halls like a five year old trying to find something to get into. There’s less staff walking around at night and if they did see you they didn’t really bother to ask you why you were wondering the hospital.

            “Perfect place to chant,” I said in a low voice to prevent anyone from hearing. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking I was a freak like the last ones.

            As I searched the hospital rooms for the materials I’d needed, I let my mind explore old painful memories.

Connecting with the spirit world and nature always helped me, it was my comfortable place. The things I loved the most were always what scared others and created this see through wall. Always feeling isolated and lonely were feelings I was familiar with; the emotions that kept me company in my ever lasting self-imprisonment.

            My mom and dad were the ones who taught me how to get in touch with my spiritual side. I even remember the last conversations they had about me.

            “She will be the next in line. She will be the one who will lead us to a better place. She will be strong and powerful,” my mom would whisper out side my bedroom door to my dad.

            “She comes from two powerful clans that have the respect of the other clans. There will be no doubt about it and the mark tells it all. One day,” my dad replied before his voice faded with their footsteps.

            I remember lying in my crib confused by there conversation, but safe by their love for me. Even now I still don’t understand what they were saying, but I feel I will know very soon.

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