Chapter 4

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Sunday was mostly about unpacking and getting ready for school. I played poker with Papa and helped in the garden with Mama.

Auntie went job hunting, while Uncle went to work. There is an airport about an hour away from the house, so he got transferred to it.

Betsy played video games on her PSP2 handheld all day. She didn’t even start unpacking till after dinner, so she was up late last night.

When Monday came around everyone was frantic. I stayed upstairs until it was time to go.

I stood in front of my full length mirror examining my outfit.

I wore a v-neck short sleeve shirt with colorful geometric print on it. The shirt was blue, green, brown and yellow. I wore a yellow tank top under my shirt to cover my chest and put on some blue jean pants. I had on some black and white converse shoes.

I had just put my hair into a half up and down style when I heard a honk. I look out my window in saw a black convertible Lexus in the dive way.

I grabbed my colorful pock-a-dot backpack and ran for the door. Before I could close the door my aunt called. “Jaci what about breakfast?”

Before I could answer Betsy popped up by the door and handed me a strawberry welchers. I kissed her on the cheek and said, “Thanks.”

I hopped in the front seat of the car and looked at Caleb. He was wearing a big orange and brown striped polo shirt with baggy jeans and those expensive Dicoco shoes. He had on a MLB hat sideways that covered most of his hair and face.

He was looking straight at the road and said nothing to me. “Morning,” I said while leaning closer to him.

“Morning,” he replied back in a deep voice. My whole body quivered at the sound of his voice.

“Safe driver?” He was really concentrating on the road.

“Nope. I just don’t want to kill you on your first day of school.”

I played with my hair and looked down when I said, “Do I look good for my first day?”

He stopped at a stop sign and turned to look at me. “Hot.”

All he said was one word and it was enough to make my day. I reached over and grabbed his hat while he began to drive again.

I placed the cap over my mouth and said, “Why are you wearing this? You’ve got great hair.”

Caleb shook his head and held out one hand to get his hat back.

“You’re not answering my question.”

“I like wearing hats.”

I kissed his hat and put it in his out stretched hand.

“Missed me that much?” He laughed and placed the hat back on his head.

“No.” I looked out the window.

The car entered the parking lot and Caleb parked in front of the gate where people crowded. It seemed like it was reserved just for Caleb.

The minute we stepped out the car Caleb was bombarded by screaming girls. I looked in surprise as Caleb talked back to the girls.

“It was such a long weekend without you.” One of them said.

“We should play some time.” Another one said.

One after the other the girls talked to Caleb and he seemed to be enjoying it.

I wasn’t going to stand there like a fool and watch him flirt, so I walked away. It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend or anything, so why do I feel hurt? 

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