Chapter 20

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The next few days were agonizing, but bearable. Maddie and I were still not talking to one another, but I could tell she missed me. Her sad eyes always watching me when she thought I wasn’t looking and the worried look on her face told me she regretted what happened. I had many opportunities to make-up with her, but my pride wouldn’t let me. She was my first real friend, but my heart just didn’t want to be crush by yet another bad relationship.

Gage was constantly telling me there would be time for friends later. I know I have more things to worry about then friends, but my mind still wondered.

The covenant had consistent meetings everyday to the point were I missed classes. We had to come up with strategies and tactics for the up coming battle. Aaliyah predicted that the fight would be soon and we needed to prepare for it. Everyone was training harder and I felt useless. I couldn’t help them with plans or fight along side them. They say it’s best for me to let them protect me, but it didn’t sit right with me.

Caleb was busy and he switched sifts with Tiffany, so we never got any time alone. I was lucky enough to get a kiss on the cheek now a day. I knew I shouldn’t be selfish or clingy, but I just couldn’t help it I guess I’m really somewhat of a teenage girl.

I found myself spending a lot of time with Tracie the principal’s assistant and also a werewolf. She’s one of the few connections we have at this school that I know about.

I walk into the office and see her looking in one of the file cabinets on the far side of the room by the window. “Hey Tracie. Do school staff have dress codes too” Like always she was wearing some type of sleek business dress that showed a lot of her tanned legs. This short dress was brown and had a pinstripe pattern to the skirt part of the dress. She was wearing two inched heels and her reddish brown hair was in a loose ponytail, releasing strands of hair.

“If there is one no one told me and I don’t think anyone has a problem with my style of clothing.” Her laugh was light and sweet like her voice. I pulled up a chair to her desk like always and gazed out the window.

“Something on your mind young grasshopper?” She retrieved her files and sat in her desk chair.

I sighed deeply. “I finally feel like a normal teenager and it’s the crappy stuff I’m feeling.”

“Hmm. I thought teenager were always rash and emotional,” she smiled at me.

“Well I wouldn’t know, but I can say it’s a safe bet,” I smirked, “What are those for?” I pointed at the files she placed on the desk from earlier.

“Just some stuff the principal wanted me to get, but I can’t give it to him now because he’s at a meeting. And speaking of meetings how’s yours; a break thorough?”

“I wish then maybe all this would end. I’d have my time with Caleb back, I’d have my friend back, and my problem would be gone, but I doubt it. I feel like I’m not doing anything to help or protect myself and it’s frustrating.” I lay my head on her desk and sigh again.

“Well I can’t predict the future, but hopefully everything will be okay.”

“Have you ever felt like this?”

“Well yea. I remember my first transformation, I was about twelve and one day I got mad and it just happened. My parents never told me, because they wanted me to have a normal life as long as possible. I was confused and scare at what I was and what I could never be. But over time I realized I was special and was here for a purpose. To protect you and the other witches.”

“That all seems like a curse,” I said.

“I guess if that’s the way you want to look at it. I’m happy to be apart of this world and make a difference then I could have ever made when I was powerless. I feel like I have a place and meaning for being here now.” She smiled and her cool gray eyes looked off into the distance thoughtfully.

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