Chapter 16

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To the right is our sexy Caleb played by Craig Horner. *licks lips* sooooo sexy. enjoy drooling over his pic!! XD

When we came down stairs all eyes were on me and I was feeling rather sheepish. “This is my mom and dad.” Caleb’s hand rested on my back before he gave me a little push.

“Hi it’s nice to meet you I’m Jaci Garcia,” I shook their hands.

“I’m Carmella Perez and this is my husband Chase Perez. I’m honored to meet you,” she smiled. She had on a snake style print strapless dress that hugged her slender frame. When she took off her white fur coat I saw that the back of the dress was a ribbon lace up. She was stunning and looked to young to have kids.    

Caleb’s dad looked intimidating but when he spoke my ears were blown away. His voice sounded like a gentle stream, but it was rather seductive. He had brood shoulders, great face features, a toned body, and over all he looked young.

“Shall we eat,” he lifted a bag full of take-out.

“That would be lovely,” Mrs. Perez said while striding to the kitchen table.

“Um this is going to be fun,” Olivia skipped to the table. I turned towards the door and started to run. Caleb stopped me at the door and I knew he would.

I looked up at him and my eyes were pleading, but I got no sympathy. “Jaci if you run away from this dinner….” I knew I was just given an automata and my heart started to ache.

He took his hand off the door and looked deep into my eyes. “Jaci once we went down this road we both knew there was no going back, so don’t run anymore.” I shoved my face in his chest and tried to get a hold of myself.

When I finally let go he kissed me and I melted in his arms, “I’m sorry I just got really scared.” I squeezed him and he returned the pressure.

“I’m right here and I won’t let anything hurt you emotional or physical.” He smiled at me and held my hand as we walked to the kitchen.

I sat down by Caleb and tried my best to show proper etiquette. “So how are you adjusting to your new surroundings?”

“I’m used to moving around, so after awhile it becomes routine.” I shuffled some of the food on my plate before getting a spoon full.

“That is quiet interesting. It’s something you wouldn’t see at first glance. I’d like to know more about who we’re all protecting.” Mrs. Perez smiled and took a sip of her wine.

The table was quiet and I could feel the pressure weighting down on me. “For most of my life I’ve been moving from one relative to another. It isn’t so bad, but it’s a hard way of living for a person like me. I like the relatives I’m with right know, but I don’t know how long I’m staying with them.”

“That sucks,” Olivia said as she leaned back in her chair.

“I only stay for a few months, so I don’t get attached and it’s a little easier to say goodbye.” I tried to smile, but failed. Caleb squeezed my leg and I just knew he understood me the most.

“Well hopefully you stay for a while longer since we don’t know what is after you. It would be horrible if something happened to you and I don’t think your grandparents can do all the work.” Mr. Perez was nodding his head in self-agreement.

“It’s a little weird how you’re the only one in your family that is a witch,” Caleb said.

Mrs. Perez rubbed her chin in thought, “That is very odd now that I think about it.” She inhaled deeply into her cup of wine before taking another sip.

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