Chapter 13

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I was sitting under a tree with Todd on Wednesday. I had on a yellow button down ruffle accented shirt with Capris on. “Yup, I’m a purebred. I was made for agility. My mom is really short, but she makes up for it with her swift movement and my dad is all muscle. ” 

“So your dad is a hothead too.” I was making an effort to get to know everyone in the covenant and I thought it would be a great starting point to begin with Todd.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he looked way from me. I leaned closer to his face and saw that his face was red.

“You’re blushing,” I giggled. He turned around so fast he barely knew how close are faces were. I smiled sweetly and he started to squirm around. “Why are you so embarrassed I won’t hurt you?”

“I’m not scared,” he said under his breathe. I kissed his cheek playfully and watched him freak out. He tumbled backwards into the tree with a thud.

“Why are you over there silly,” I said softly. I made slow movement towards him. I was obviously playing with him, but he took it seriously.

“Y-your going out with C-Caleb we can’t do this.” He was waving his hands in the air to block his face and looking around for any sign of help. “The covenant is coming now so you should probably stop,” he was looking past me.

“Oh but I don’t want to stop,” I was leaning over him now and holding his hands. I puckered my lips and blew witch magic in his face and watched as he screamed.

I fell backwards laughing harder and harder. Todd growled at me. “I’m going to get you back Jaci,” he was grinding his teeth.

“Did we miss something,” Gage questioned. The rest of the group including Maddie was behind him.

I couldn’t stop laughing, so half of my sentence came out in a laugh, “Just messing with Todd. It was so funny you should have seen it.”

Todd put me in a head lock, “That was not funny I thought you were really going to kiss me.” I only laughed harder and the covenant began to laugh too.

“Okay now that we had a good laugh we should probably get down to business,” Alan was the first to speak. We all got settled and sat in a neat circle.

“I’ve told all of you about Jaci and Caleb’s car accident. We don’t know who this guy is, but Jaci obviously does,” Gage locked gazes with me.

I looked down to avoid all of the covenant’s eyes. “I don’t really know him, except for the fact that he was in my nightmare.”

“Maybe next time you see him you should get a closer look and see what this guys about,” Isabella was pulling up the grass in frustration as she spoke.

“No,” I said without looking up. Everyone got quiet and my heart could have stopped at that very moment. Maddie’s hand was over mine and I felt her pure vibrations.

“If you don’t the killings and attacks on you and others won’t stop,” Gage sounded furious at me. I knew I was being a coward, but I knew what the mystery guy wanted.

“We have to end this before it gets out of hand,” Isabelle said softy. She was trying to convince me, but her efforts were useless.

I shook my head no. Gage shouted, “Stop being a coward or you’ll never be Queen!” I looked up immediately at him and before I knew it I was screaming back.

“I never said I wanted to be a Queen let alone a Princess! He wants to kill me and I don’t want to die for a world I don’t even know! If you want to sacrifice yourself then be my guess and do so, but don’t ever tell me to.”

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