Chapter 11

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Bella's pov
I saw Luke crying and I really wanted to know why. I got off of Calum's lap to catch up to him to ask him what's wrong. By the time I got to where I last saw him he was gone. He probably went to the toilet. I wait for him to come back but the bell goes and being the little goodie two shoes I went to get my bag to go to class.

For the rest of my classes I didn't pay attention because I was to worried about Luke. I was currently in my last class so I decided to text Luke.

To Luke
'hey, why the hell were you crying earlier?'

I instantly get a reply back from him.

From Luke'
i'm fine, what do you mean?'

He then sent a picture along with the text message. It was of him leaning against his hand looking absolutely fine. I don't reply back because I got caught with my phone. I started to pay attention to my teacher but I just couldn't stop thinking about Luke . Maybe I should go see him I do know where he lives. Yeah that's it after school I'll go to see if he's alright.

Then all of a sudden my phone vibrates I look down and see that I've been added to a group chat with Luke and some other people. It's probably just a chat about when and where there was going to be parties. I look away fir my phone and back up at the bored. I had no idea what class I was in right now so I just sat there.

We were halfway through the class and my phone vibrates again. It's Luke he's sent a message in the group chat. Just because I was bored I went onto my phone to see what he has sent. I start to read what he has sent.

'i can't pretend to be mister badass anymore. i can't walk down my school hallway and let the girls drool over me and my looks. i'm more than that. but that's all they'll see. i'm sorry that for the past three years i have built up that reputation for myself. i'm sorry bella for being and asshole to you. i'm sorry alex for being a horrible ex boyfriend. i'm sorry ashton for being a sucky best mate. i'm sorry father for everything, for being a disappointment.'

I got up from my seat straight away. This was a goodbye message.

"Bella sit down right now" the teacher yelled to me. I ignored her and ran out the classroom with my bag. I run outside the school to Calum's car. I grab the keys from out my bag and unlock it. I hop into the car and start the engine up. I quickly message Calum that I'm borrowing his car for an important reason. I drive out of the school parking lot and make my way to Luke's house.

I'm speeding down the road to get to his place in time. Why is Luke saying goodbye to us I thought he was happy. It doesn't take long for me to arrive on his street. I drive along the road as I look for his house. I spotted his house. I park on his drive way and get out of the car. I run over to the door to see if it's unlocked. For fuck sake it's locked!.

I run around the side of the house to see if there are any Windows open and to my luck there was. I climb a tree to get up near the window. As I climbed I scraped my hand on the tree it stung a little and bleed a little but I didn't care. I have to get to Luke. I finally get to the branch which reaches over to the window. I cling onto it and carefully crawl over to the window. Right now I don't care if people can see under my skirt all I care about is if Luke is okay. We may not be close friends but I still care.

I get to the window and reach my foot over to the window ledge. I start to wobble and nearly fall but luckily I was able to stable myself. I put my over foot on the window ledge and I was able to slide my legs through the window. Once I was in my house I could hear crying. I knew that it wasn't coming from the room that I was currently in. I walk out of the room and into the hallway. I opened every door and there was no sign of him. I was about to go down stairs but I saw a door at the end of the hall.

I made my over to the door and I could hear the crying clearly now. This must be where Luke is. I try to turn the door handle but it was locked. Now this is the time when I can use my karate skills that I learnt when I was younger. I lift my leg up and kick the door open. As soon as it opened I walk straight into a room that was a bathroom. I look around and see Luke sitting in the corner of the room crying. I saw blood on his wrists . I walk quickly over to him and sit down beside him I didn't say a word I just hugged him from the side.

Authors note
Hey guys hope you like this chapter. How about that a double update in one day how lucky are you anyway have a good day xxx-L

Good girlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt