Snipe Hunt

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"This is starting to feel like the snipe hunt that I was afraid of." Skinner said as he got out of the car and opened the trunk.

"There's no such thing as a snipe, sir." I said taking a backpack out of the trunk. I started to walk toward the tree line. He shut the trunk.

"You know, my ass is on the line here, too Agent Mulder." He said. I stopped and turned.

"I know that." I said and continued into the forest.

Fifteen Minutes Later.....
"How's this supposed to work?" Skinner asked as I set the last laser on the ground.

"I'm not exactly sure, sir." I said, "But budgetarily, I think we're doing pretty good." I stood up and walked down the length of the laser beams. As I got farther from Skinner, I noticed the laser beams just stopped in mid-air. I walked up to the place where the beams stopped, it was like a force field. I carefully stick my hand through. It shook and convulsed wildly. Then an invisible force pulled me through the force field.

In front of me was a group of people under a bright light. I recognized Billy Miles and Teresa Hosey. I could hear Skinner calling me but I didn't respond.
I walked toward the group and Teresa welcomed me in. Then I see the Alien-Bounty Hunter.
'Oh shit! I am not supposed to be here!! Come on legs move!' I thought to myself but my legs didn't move, all I could do was stare at him. 'Snap out of the trance! Come on! Move!' I told myself.
There was a huge flash of light and I suddenly felt weightless. After that I started to have flashbacks:

I see myself kneeling on the floor and my sister floating out the window.
"Samantha, Samantha! No!" I yell...

"Are you sure you didn't see who took her or where she went, Fox?"
"Mom, I told you. She floated out the window." I said, tears streaming down my face...

I walked down the hall at Quantico, ignoring the taunting voices.
"Look, it's "Spooky" Mulder." Someone said.
"'Spooky' Mulder." I spun around and punched the guy in the face...

"Hi, my name is Dana Scully. I've been assigned to work with you." She said. I shook her hand...

"Where is she Duane?"
"They took her!"

"How did she get here?! Who brought her here?! Men in suits, military, who?!"...

"If you want to tell yourself that so you can quit with a clear conscience, you can, but you're wrong."
"Why did they assign me to you in the first place, Mulder, to rein you and to shut you down..."
"But you saved me..."

"I love you..."

"Admit it  Scully, you just want to play house."...

"You were my constant. My touchstone."
"And you are mine..."

"Fox, it's your mother. I'd hope you call upon your return but I haven't heard from you. I'm sure you're busy. There are so many emotions in me I wouldn't know where to start. So much that I've left unsaid for reasons someday I hope you'll understand..."

"Your mother killed herself, Mulder. I conducted the autopsy. She was dying of an incurable disease; an untreatable and horrible disfiguring disease called Padgetts carcinoma..."

"Break the glass box around your heart and love me!"
"I do love you, Mulder. That's what I'm afraid of..."

"I can't believe you don't like butter on your popcorn. It's unAmerican."
"Caddy Shack, Mulder?"...

"Mulder, I'm going to be fine."
"No, no. I've been thinking about it. Looking at you today holding that baby. Knowing everything that has been taken away from you. A chance for motherhood and your health and that baby.  I think maybe their right."
"Who's right?"
"The FBI..."

"Mulder, if any of this is true..."
"If it is or if it isn't, I want you to forget about it, Scully."
"Forget about it?"
"You're not going back out there. I'm not going to let you go back out there."
"What are you talking about?"
"It has to end sometime. That time is now."
"Scully, you have to understand. Their taking abductees. You're an abductee. I'm not going to risk... losing you."
She walks up and put her arms around me.
"I won't let you go alone..."

Then I see Scully in Skinner's office with the Lone Gunman.  She's talking to them but I can't hear what she saying. Suddenly her eyes roll back and she falls. The Gunman catch her lower her to the floor.

"Scully!" I shout and shoot up from my laying  position. Pain shot through my wrists and up my forearm. I looked down at my wrists; they were strapped to the metallic table I was on by iron latches.

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