♚Chapter 1♚

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"My lord. It is time to wake up."

I heard Sebastian called me in my sleep. I opened my eyes to see Sebastian draw back the azure curtains, allowing the sun's light and warmth to hit my pail skin and diminishing the darkness in the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes while Sebastian assisted me with getting dressed.

After I was fully dressed, Sebastian poured me a cup of tea and handed me todays news paper. I glanced down at the paper and read the headlines. It was about the strange 'Ghost Girl' sightings. But this was most likely a hoax.

"It seems that she has grown awfully popular, hasn't she?" Sebastian said from next to me. "Yes it seems so." I responded.

Then Sebastian handed me a letter from the Queen. It stated that I must stop these sightings at once. "Sebastian, prepare the carriage. We're going to visit an old friend." I spoke to the demon. "Yes My Lord"


We got into town and stopped the carriage out side of the eerie shop. We walked in and was greeted with a loud cackle. "Undertaker, this is no time for games."

I spoke out. As soon as I did I heard a loud creaking behind next to me. The Undertaker was peeking his head out of one of the coffins that was up against the wall. I began the questioning

"Well from what I've heard, the rumors started about a week ago. From what every ones been sayin', she has white hair and red eyes. But I'm sure you can sniff everything out like the good little guard dog you are"


As we were heading back to the countryside, I looked out of the window and saw a plane white figure in the distance. Could that be her?!?

"Sebastian, stop the carriage!" I barked at the demon.

Sebastian's POV:

"Sebastian, stop the carriage!" I heard the brat, I mean Young master yell from inside of the carriage. So, I pulled on the reigns, stopping the horses. I looked back as I heard the door open and The Master dangerously jumped out of the carriage.

He seemed to be staring at something, so I looked over in the direction he was looking in and saw a plane white figure walking through the trees. All of a sudden, she stopped walking and looked over at us.

Her scarlet red eyes glanced over at the Young Master, and then over to me. I could see her put her hand over her heart and disappeared.

I looked over to my Young Master. His face had a total look of shock. I almost laughed at his at his struggle to keep his composure.

"Lets go." he barked. "Yes, My Lord." I spoke as I helped him into the carriage once more.


Ciel's POV:

"Sebastian, I have a new set of orders for you."

I said as I sat in my bed, sipping from my teacup while Sebastian helped me into my nightshirt. I yawned, feeling tired from all of the paperwork I had finished, toy ideas I looked over, and todays earlier investigation.

"And they are, My Lord?" the demon spoke. "Track that girl down and have her here by tonight. That's an order." "Yes my lord."

Sebastian's POV:

I put on by black trench coat as I walked outside of the manor. I closed the front door as quietly as possible as to not wake any of the servants or the Young Master for that matter. I decided to travel on foot. It would be quite unusual to see a carriage on the streets at this hour.

From the news articles I have read, people say she was spotted on the strip between the city and he countryside. I walked among the shadows as to not risk being spotted.

I walked quickly and returned to the same spot we stopped today for he investigation. I walked through the trees in search of the girl the Young Master wanted me to find. I stopped when I reached the center of the woods and looked around.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same white figure as earlier. I took a few steps in her direction and she suddenly turned her head I my direction, her moonbeam hair flowing after her. Her figure was petite but had perfect large curves. But I could see sorrow burning in her eyes, like she has seen a world of pain.

"Pardon me. I did not mean to startle you." I said apologetically. "N-no, its fine. There is no need to apologize." she said, averting her gaze. "If you don't mind, my Young Master would like to speak with you." I said to her as she shyly looked up at me. "S-Sure, that wouldn't be a problem at all." she answered me. "Please, follow me." I directed and she gave me a curt nod.

As we made it to the edge of the woods and began walking down the dirt road. "May I ask, what your name is?" I asked. "My name is Cosette Buisson." she said softly. "I am the Sebastian Michaelis. It has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Buisson." I said politely as it began to rain. I looked down at her as I began to shed my trench coat, but she manifested. I stopped for a brief moment and still felt her presence next me and felt it the rest of the way too.

As I was closing in on the manor, I no longer felt her next to me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Cosette, but she looked incomplete. She was completely transparent and her body was trembling. she collapsed and I caught her before she could hit the ground.

I sighed as I carried her bridal style, reaching the door. I gingerly opened it and peeked my head inside and scanned the room, making sure that no one was awake. Seeing that no one was up I walked in side and quietly closed the door an made my way to my quarters, taking soft steps and avoiding creaky floorboards.

As I reached my quarters, I set her down on my bed and quickly found a nightshirt for her to use. I loosened my tie and used it to blind fold myself. I stripped her down and found something strange attached to her leg. It was a gun holster holding a small silver pistol. I removed it and set it down on the nightstand. I then proceeded to wrap the nightshirt around her arms and fasten the buttons.

I then placed her in the unused bed and place the fluffy duvet on top of her. 'Is she really a demon?' I pondered as I took my necktie off and placed it around my neck once again. I looked down at her and moved the duvet away from her neck for further inspection. There were two small red marks, signaling that she had in fact been bitten by something.

So to test my theory, I traveled to the kitchen and grabbed a rather sharp knife from the drawer, returned back to my quarters and pulled her arm from under the duvet. I carefully opened her relaxed hand, took the knife and slit her palm open. I watched as it bled momentarily and as it slowly repaired its self. Looking as if the cut was never there.

I returned to the kitchen to wash the bloody knife and place it back in the drawer where I found it and returned back to my room.


About half way through the night I noticed that Cosette was tossing and turning in her slumber. She turned on her right side, curled up into a ball and pulled the duvet closer to her body. I got up from the armchair I was currently sitting in and walked over to her. I pulled my glove off with my teeth, revealing my Faustian contract mark. I moved the fringe of her bangs out of her face and pressed my bare hand to her forehead.

Her initial body temperature was, and is continuing to drop. "How troublesome." I said into the quietness of the room. Looking after a newborn demon is like taking care of an infant. I got behind her and pressed my hands against her back. I could feel her body relax against mine as the warmth got to her.

Honestly, newborns are quite troublesome.

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