♚Chapter 6♚

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No Ones POV:

"It didn't seem like such a bad idea. I thought Sebastian would be the only one inconvenience. I never expected that I would be effected by it as well." Ciel said, referring to Grell who was currently apologizing for the mess he had made.

"Wait that's it! The I thing I can do now is die! I shall atone with my death!" Grell shouted as he pulled a knife out of his jacket.

"What do you think your doing!" Cosette shouted from across the room, causing everyone to look at her with shock. When they had first met her, she had barely risen her voice at all.

"Eh?" Was all Grell said she pulled the knife from his hands.

"Killing yourself won't solve anything. You can't just throw your life away over such a simple thing." She said, anger dripping off of every word.

"And just think of the horrible mess you would would make. It would take hours to clean up all of the blood." Sebastian added, causing Cosette to glare at him.

"Both of you are so verry kind!" Grell praised

"Did what he said seem like 'kindness' to any of you? Bard said under his breath. Finny and Mey-Rin both shook their heads furiously. Ciel just sighed.

"Young master, the carriage is waiting for you out front." Sebastian said checking the time.

He sighed again. "Let's go." He stood and made his way to the door.

Sebastian turned around and said, "I want all of this cleaned up by the time I'm back. And Grell, " he looked over to him.

"If you do wish to seek your eternal rest please feel free to do it outside."

Out of anger Cosette elbowed him in the ribs hard enough to make him wince slightly.

"Are you two coming? I'm not going to wait around all day." Ciel said quite loudly.

"Yes my lord/ Yes young master." Both of them replied and followed him out of the manor.

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Cosette's POV:

The carriage ride was quiet for the most part. But it was a peaceful kind of quiet. It wasn't a quietness wasn't awkward as it should have been. It was comforting.

I looked out the window at the passing scenery. Everything was beautiful this time of year. The weather was perfect, flowers and plants were in full bloom, and everything was colorful.

Suddenly the carriage came to a stop. Sebastian got down from the drivers seat, opened the door and helped Ciel out first. I took his outstretched hand and stepped down.

"Thank you." I said.

"My pleasure."he said with that catlike grin of his.

We followed Ciel until we reached a smaller looking shop. Sebastian held the door open for the both of us.

Upon walking in, the smell of wood hit you. The shop wasn't all that nice looking inside either. Behind the counter and along the walls were thin looking drawers.

"Hello there my boy! Did your father send you? Or are you just here with your mother?"

My breath hitched in my throat. I looked down at Ciel,but he stayed silent.

"I-I'm not-" but I was cut off by Sebastian.

"Actually, he's here on his own business." He said politely while handing him a piece of paper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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