♚Chapter 3♚

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Ciel's POV:

"Today you have a meeting with Mr. Hugues, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire. And this evening Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be paying you a visit." he informed me after waking me up.

"Is that the man who I have in charge of stuffed animals at my factory in India?" I asked. "Yes. I'm told he's Italian. We will of course offer him all of the hospitality the estate can provide." he said as he finished dressing me and handed me a cup of tea.

"I know this smell. Is this tea Earl Gray?"

"Yes, From Jacksons of Piccadilly. I shall wait for you at the dining table, Master." He bowed and turned to leave and I picked up a dart and threw it his way. He easily caught it between his fingers.

"Well throw, My Lord. Even so, lets save the games for later."

"I suppose your right."

Cosette's POV:

I opened my eyes to the blinding rays of sunlight. I noticed a clock that was hanging up on the wall. It read 8:15. I got dressed in the same black dress that I wore yesterday. I opened the door and walked down the long corridor.

I began to notice one the paintings on the wall. 'There are so many things I remember about this place.' I thought to myself as I continued to admire the painting.

"Good morning, Cosette." I heard Sebastian say from behind me. "Good morning." I replied. "Would you like me to give you a tour of the manor?" he asked politely. "Yes." I answered.

He lead me around the estate, passing familiar rooms and corridors. When we got to the parlor, there were three people talking to each other. To men and a woman.

The woman, who was facing our direction, noticed Sebastian and said, "Good morning Mr. Sebastian!" All of them turned to face us and they noticed me. "Oh, who's this?" the younger man said.

"This is Miss. Cosette Buisson. She will be staying as our guest for a while." He said.

"Oh! How lovely!" the younger man spoke up again.

"Its always exiting to have an new guest in the manor!" The woman said.

"And she's a cute littl' thing aint' she!" The older man said.

"Its nice to meet all of you." I said with a fake smile. Sebastian introduced all of them to me and we continued our tour. He looked at his pocket watch and mumbled, "Mr. Hugues should be arriving shortly for his meeting with the young master."

~*~*~*~*~*Time Skip ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Sebastian's POV:

Shortly after Mr. Hugues left the estate, I had ordered the servants different tasks. But somehow, everything was ruined. Finnie practically destroyed the entire garden by using extra strength weed killer, Mey-Rin wasn't being careful and knocked the china cabinet down, and Bardroy decided to use a flame- thrower to cook. Again.

"Calm down, all of you. Perhaps you should take a page of Tanaka's book and stop behaving like-" And then it hit me.

"Everyone, listen closely and do exactly as I say, understand? We might save this night yet." I spoke as I held Tanaka's Japanese teacup.

~*~*~*~*~*~ Time Skip ~*~*~*~*~*

The carriage pulled around front and I opened the door for Mr. Damiano and assisted him out.

"Oh. How impressive!" he said in awe as he observed the newly transformed garden.

"This is called a stone garden. It is a traditional feature in Japan." I informed him.

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