♚Chapter 5♚

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Cosette's POV:

I sat up in my bed. I couldn't sleep. Toady's events were replaying themselves over and over again. I ran my hand trough my hair and sighed. I had killed somebody. But i did it for the right reasons. But what exactly happened?

The sight and the smell of blood.

Him, begging for his life.

Me ignoring him completely and killing him with my glass sward. Why was I able to summon such a weapon? And what even happened to me that caused me to kill?

"I think you came in touch with your true form." Sebastian's words echoed through my head. But what was that supposed to mean.

I stood up and walked over the the big glass doors that were on the right side of the room and opened them stepping out onto the balcony.

The cool night air washed over my body, causing me to relax. I rested my elbows on the railing and took deep breaths. I felt burning tears in my eyes that threatened to spill.

I completely horrified. What am I? Was I even something you could call a human anymore. I tear slid down my cheek. What was i supposed to do?

More tears followed and soon I was covering my mouth to prevent me from making any noise.

A hand gripped my shoulder making me jump and let out a yelp. I quickly turned around to find Sebastian looking quite concerned.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" He asked in a caring tone.

I explained everything to him. Why I felt so scared, why I felt so alone and why I didn't even feel human anymore.

"Shhh~ it's alright." He cooed as he whiped my tears away.

I rubbed my eyes and tried to calm myself down.

"Everything is going to be okay. I know what you are. I couldn't tell you before because I had to be completely sure first." He began to explain.

I nodded, and took a deep breath.

"You are a demon. And a very powerful one too. One that only comes around every hundred thousand years or so." He said. My eyes widened at what he said.

"I'm a what?" I asked out of shock.

"A demon." he repeated.

I sat back down on the bed out of shock. "This is to ironic." I said looking down at my hands.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"For as long as i could remember, I've wanted everything to end. And now i find out that Im a thing that can not die." I buried my face in my hands. "I never asked for this. I never wanted any of this.'' more tears continued to fall and showed no sign of stopping.

Sebastian's POV:

"For as long as i could remember, I've wanted everything to end. And now i find out that Im a thing that can not die." she buried her face into her hands. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but i sat down of the bed next to her and pulled her into my arms so she could rest her head on my chest.

I ran my fingers through her hair and rubbed circles into her back as a way to calm her down. her tears soaked through my shirt, but it didn't matter. I wanted nothing more than to calm her down and give her a proper explanation.

She took deep breaths and her tears stopped after several minutes. She stayd silent and nuzzled her face into my chest.

"Sebastian, is it okay if i ask you a question?" She asked quietly.

"Of coarse." I replied as i looked down at her. The moonlight that came in from the window reflected off of her hair, making it seem like it was glowing. It reminds me of the freshly fallen snow.

"Are you a demon as well? is that the reason why you were able to do everything that you did?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly when she spoke.

"Yes, I am." i said.

"Does anyone else here know?" She asked, her voice sounded stronger this time.

"The young master knows, but the servants are completely oblivious."

"Is he the reason why you're here?"

"Yes. i have formed a counteract with him two years ago. He made three requests. That I protect him and never betray him until he obtains his revenge, That i obey his orders unconditionally and that i never lie to him. These are the things that make up our contract." I said and looked down at her again. she held a hand up to her mouth as tears threatened to spill.

"Why would he do something like that to himself?" She asked sounding angry.

"He wanted to get revenge on the ones who tarnished his family name."

"But that doesn't mean that he needs to throw his life away! I want him live a long and happy life. I want to see him with a family of his own one day. I don't want to go through that." She shouted.

"Is there a way to alter the contract? I want you to take my soul instead." She said looking up at me.

"You would have to make a blood pact with me. Meaning that you would never be able to leave my side, and will never be able to escape me, no matter what."

"I'll do it." She said confidently.

"Are you positive. Once you agree you won't be able to back out. Your decision will be final."

"I'm positive. I would do anything for the people I care about." She said.

"We can form the pact in a few days. I want you to be sure about what you are prepared to do. But now you need to rest. "

She only nodded while I wiped her tears away. She hid her face into my chest again, placing her head over my heart.

After several minutes, her breathing was even and her eyes were closed. I placed my hands around her waist and moved to pick her up but she gripped onto the front of my shirt, preventing her from moving.

I took her into my arms, pulled back the covers, removed my shoes and climbed into bed with her. As soon as I pulled the blanket over her she gripped onto my shirt and nuzzled her face into my chest, causing me to smile. I gently moved the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

(A/N: Sorry if the ending sucks, I needed to finish this chapter somehow. (。・_・)

Announcement ( ̄▽ ̄)
I finally know where I'm going with this! When this story is going to be put into two or three parts. I haven't decided yet. I'm going to try to stick two a two week schedule where Friday/Saturday will be my day to update every two weeks. I'm going to try but I'm not promising much.

Thank you for reading! ๑╹◡╹)ノ"

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