♚Chapter 4♚

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Cosette POV:

After waking up and getting ready, I decided to go out to the garden. Sitting on the ledge of the steps leading down to the grass, I admired the beautiful white roses. Their scent was just as lovely.

Suddenly, I felt something nudge the the side of my leg. I looked down to see a black cat, mowing happily and seeking attention.

I cracked a small smile and reached my hand down to pet it. It lent its head into my hand and began to purr.

"I see you've met Sebastian's girlfriend." I looked up to see Finny.

I smiled and continued to pet the cat. It then proceeded to climb into my lap and lay on its back.

"Finny, please get back to work. The garden needs to look perfect for the Young Masters guests." I looked back to see Sebastian. His stern face was directed at Finny.

Finny flinched and saluted shouting "Yes Sir!" And scurried to get back to work. Suddenly the black cat jumped out of my arms. And ran to Sebastian, rubbing its face and body against his ankles. the cat was practically begging to be lifted.

He picked it up and walked in my direction, sitting next to me on the step. He then began to pet the cat behind the ears, causing it to lean into his touch and purrs happily.

"Would you like to pet her?" He asked. I nodded and slowly began to reach for her. Her head twitched, causing me to flinch and pull my hand back.

"Don't worry, she won't bite. She isn't capable of hurting a fly." He said, calming me down a bit. Every other animal I tried to pet bit me.

Everything from my fathers German Shepard to the cat she that ran into my garden when I was ten years old. The only pet that never bit me was the black dog that Vincent had when Ciel was little. I forgot his name a long time ago.

I took a deal breath and reached for the cat again, silently hoping that Sebastian was right. My hand made contact with the animals head and scratched her chin, causing her neck to stretch.

I cracked a smile, something I haven't done in ages. The cat then stepped into my lap, laying down and then rolling onto her back and exposing her stomach causing me to let out a small laugh. Which was something I didn't think I was capable of doing anymore.

Sebastian suddenly stood up, saying something about preparing for the guests that would soon be arriving. I took the cat off of my lap and gently placed her on the ground and stood up myself. The cat rub up against my ankles and circled my legs.

"I'm sorry, but you can not come inside with me" I said in a disappointed tone. The cat meowed and laid down where I had sat.

I walked back into the manor, trying my best not to get lost. If i was lucky, i could make it to the library without losing my way. After clearing a flight of stairs, I passed Meyrin, who seemed to be dusting a vase.

"Good morning." I said with a fake smile and tried to look cheerful.

"She jumped and let out a yell, causing the vase she was dusting to fall to the floor. I made a move to grab the vase, and suddenly, the vase was in my hands. I didn't even feel my legs move, there was no way I could have moved fast enough to grab the vase in midair.

I quickly placed the vase on the table, wanting to get rid of the object as fast as possible.

"Wow! That was amazing yes it was! Just as amazing as Sebastian!" She gawked. I quickly thanked her and made my way to the library.


Some time after finding my way to the library the guests had arrived. They were in the entertainment room playing a game of billiards. Sooner or later my eyes began to hurt for reading so long.

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