♚Chapter 2♚

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Ciel's POV:

My Lord, it is time to wake up.

The familiar words echoed in my ears. I sat up and was blinded by the rays of son that peaked through the curtains as Sebastian opened them.

I sat up and remembered last nights orders as Sebastian walked over to the large wardrobe.

"Did you actually find her?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Of course, My Lord. If I couldn't do this much for my master, what kind of butler would I be?" he spoke casually as he finished dressing me.

"Bring her up to the study later." I ordered

"Yes, My Lord."


Cosette's POV:

For the first time in a while, I felt peaceful. For once, my slumber wasn't plagued with the nightmares of my past. My mind wasn't filled with death and depression as I slept. But all of that ended as soon as soon as heard a voice calling me, bringing me back from the void of my dreams.

"Miss. Buisson, Miss. Buisson." The voice called to me.

I opened my eyes and my vision was a slightly blurry. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I felt completely exhausted.

"How are you feeling, Miss. Buisson." I looked over and saw the man, Sebastian. "I'm feeling fine." I said quietly.

"That's good." he said with a small smile. "I'll give you a few minutes to get dressed" he spoke as he made his way to the door. "Come out when ever you are ready." Once he left the room, I removed myself from the comfortable bed and made my way over to he large wardrobe. Inside there was a simple black dress that reached down to the floor and had long sleeves, and a pair of black boots.

Once I was dressed, I looked at myself I the mirror. I looked so different then I did from just a week ago. I sighed to my self and opened the door to find Sebastian waiting for me.

"Please, follow me." he said as he lead me down the corridors. "The Young Master would like to have a word with you." he spoke as I took a look around at my surroundings. I felt like I had been here before. Everything about his place felt familiar. When we reached a certain door Sebastian knocked on the door, and once he got a reply he asked me to wait in the hall and disappeared behind the door. I looked around, and came to a realization.

Less than a minute later, Sebastian opened the door and held it open for me. "Please, come in." he said as he beckoned me inside. I walked into the study and there was a large desk, with numerous paper staked high with paperwork and large bookcases lining the walls.

Suddenly, the large chair behind the desk spun around and revealed a child, with deep navy hair, a sparkling sapphire eye, and a black eye patch over his right eye.

I gasped as I came to a sudden realization. 'He's alive' I thought as I felt tears well in my eyes. I began to feel dizzy and my world came crashing down.

Sebastian's POV:

"Please, come in" I said as I held the door open for her, welcoming her inside the study. she slowly walked in and took time to observe her surroundings. When the Young Master's chair spun around, I could hear a small but audible gasp come from Miss. Buisson. She didn't look like she was feeling too well. All of a sudden, her knees buckled beneath her and I was able catch her before she hit the ground.

The young master gave an annoyed sigh and ordered me to take her to rest.

~*~*~*~*~Time Skip ~*~*~*~*~*

Its been quite a while since I put Miss. Buisson to rest. I opened my pocket watch and read 7:45. I headed back to check on her.

I knocked on the door and received no answer. I opened the door and Miss. Buisson was missing. the window was open and a gentle breeze caused the curtains to dance.

I looked out the window and saw a strange shadow on the ground. 'She must be on the roof' I thought to myself as I climbed up the ivy that grew up the side of the building.

I found her sitting with her knees pulled up to her, chest and she was holding what looked like a picture in her hand.

Cosette's POV:

"Are you alright?" I heard a voice come from behind me that made me flinch. Then I realized it was only Sebastian, but that wasn't enough to calm my nerves. I quickly whipped the tears from my eves.

"I'm fine." I said, but I knew my voice had betrayed me . "Is there something troubling you, Miss. Buisson?" he asked me sincerely. "Please, enough with the formalities, just call me Cosette." I spoke quietly. ''Is there something troubling you Miss Cosette?" he corrected himself.

"I just can't believe it..." I spoke to myself, but I knew he could here me. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is it that you can't believe?" Sebastian asked as he sat down next to me. "I just cant believe that Ciel is alive." I said as I looked him in the eyes.

"He probably doesn't even remember who I am. Its been so long since I've last seen him." I gazed back down at the picture in my hand. It was a family photo. Well, sort of.

Phantomhive's were like a second family to me. Mrs. Rachel stood with her arm linked with Mr. Vincent. Ciel stood next to his mother and I stood behind him with my hands on his shoulders.

It was so long ago. I was only 15 when the photo was taken. It was only a few days before the fire started. 'I don't blame him if he doesn't remember.'

"Do you mind giving this to him for me?" I said as I handed the picture to Sebastian. "Of course." he said as he took a quick glance at the photo and put it in his breast pocket. "Thank you." I stood up and brushed the dirt off of the front of my dress, walked over to the green vines and carefully climbed my way down.

Sebastian's POV:

I followed Cosette down the ivy vines and walked in the manor through a back door. It was almost time to get the Young Master ready for bed. I walked up to his bed chambers and found him already there. I dressed him in one of his nightshirts.

"Is Miss. Buisson feeling any better?" The Young Master asked me as I was about to open the door and take my leave.

"She seems to be doing well. She also wanted me to give you this." I reached into my breast pocket and carefully removed the photo and handed it to him.

He carefully inspected the photo, set it down on the bedside table, and went to sleep without another word.

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