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Cosette's POV:

Today is my wedding day. I am excited, but I didn't want to get too happy. When ever I am, something bad always happens.

I looked at my reflection while I was brushing my onyx hair that reached the small of my back.

My sapphire eyes grazed over my dress.

It's sleeves wrapped around my shoulders with four gold lace stripes on both sides. Gold fringe lines the top of my dress and just below my breasts. The top layer of my dress has a large slit opening down the middle that the fringe also lines.

As I finished brushing my hair, I pinned my white lacy veil to my head. I took one last glance at myself in the mirror and gave myself a curt nod.

I walked down the church corridors to my fiancé's dressing room. We both agreed to see each other before the ceremony to wish each other good luck. When I reached his room, I gently knocked on the door.

There was no answer.

I knocked again.

Still, no answer.

I began to worry, so I gathered up enough courage to open the door. My eyes widened at what I saw. My deer fiancé was laying in a pool of his own blood. I began to feel tears lining my eyes. "Eli..." I whispered as I ran to his lifeless figure.

"Why hello there, my little pretty!" I heard a loud obnoxious voice say from behind me. I turned my head and saw two men. One of them was clad in black, and was holding a small weapon in his hands. He also looked scared, like he had done something wrong. The other man (?) was clad completely in red, from his clothes to his long hair.

He gave me a toothy smile, revealing a set of sharp teeth. He also had a strange weapon in his hands. They both had unusual lime green eyes, and they both had a pair of glasses sitting on the bridges of their noses.

"Oh, now this just wont do, now will it? You've seen way more than your supposed to, my dear." the man(?) in red told me.

"I suggest that we t-take our leave. I read that I-if something like this were t-to happen, t-then the Malum (Shadow Demon) have a high possibility to show up." he stuttered.

"Fine then. Lets go. I can have Will deal with you later." the man(?) in red muttered as they walked over to the door and down to the main entrance of the church.

as soon as they left the room was filled with a dark aura. I saw black shadows crawling along the floor, creating a circle on the floor, with me at its center. There were six in all, each one of them emerged from the floor. I was frozen with fear as the circle began to grow smaller and they got closer.

The circle closed. One of them pushed me down and I hit the tile floor with a thud. In a frenzy, one of the shadows pinned me down and bit my neck its sharp, long fangs sank into my flesh. I screamed in agony as pain ripped through. I began to feel dizzy and my sight grew blurry. My eyes began to grow heavy, I tried to fight it, but the darkness took me.


When I awoke I was still laying on the cold hard tiles of the church. I sat up, but the dizziness still lingered and my vision began to focus. Memories of Eli's lifeless body filled my mind. I looked over to where his body should be, but when I looked, all that was there was a pool of blood and my pristine white veil lay next to it . Nothing more, nothing less.

'I have to find out what happened to Eli.' I thought a I got off of the floor and was on my way out of the dressing room when I passed a full length mirror and caught a gimps of my reflection. I looked completely different. My once onyx hair was at a much longer length and now a moonbeam white and my fair skin was now a beautiful porcelain that looked as if t were to break if you touched it. Every curves of my body was much bigger and was perfectly rounded. My sapphire eyes were now a beautiful scarlet that reminded me of the shade of blood. I gasped ad my eyes momentarily flashed a sparkling fuchsia color.

I ripped my eyes away from the mirror and opened the door and exited out of the room and began to walk down the corridor. About halfway down the hall, I began to feel a sharp pain in my chest. I gasped at the sudden sharpness. I ignored it and started walking again, but the pain grew more severe. I reached my hand up and paced it on my chest so it was directly over my heart.

And as soon as I did, the pain vanished.

"Strange..." I thought as I walked through the opened door. When I got outside I could hear talking. I looked over to my left and saw the same two men. The man(?) in red seemed to be chastising the man in black.

The man in black seemed to be scared. He had a look of fear in his eyes as he looked to the ground and his brown hair fell over his green eyes and glasses.

'I wonder what he did.' I thought as I made my way over to them.

"E-excuse me." I said politely, trying not to be rude. But they seemed to not notice me. So I spoke a bit louder.

"Excuse me! I spoke louder. But neither of them acknowledged me.

''Hey...'' I said as I reached out to tug the man in red's arm. But to my surprise, my hand passes through him. I gasped as I pulled my arm away.

'T-this is all probably just a crazy mixed up dream." I thought to myself as I walked into the small forest that was next to the church.

'I really need to clear my head.' I thought to my self. But my mind wondered. 'What triggered it?' Then I remembered the pain in my chest. 'That must be it!' So I put my hand over my chest, and felt the sharp pain in my chest. Just to be positive that I had actually returned to normal, I walked tot the nearest tree and pressed my hand against the strong trunk. I felt a strong sense of curiosity as I focused on crossing over, seeing if I can repeat the mysterious events that occurred with the man in red.

I pressed my hand against the trunk for the second time and sure enough, my hand passed through. "Interesting..." I said to myself as I crossed over again. I continued to walk through the woods and eventually found a dirt road and began to walk down it. Then I heard the rumbling of a carriage's wheels coming closer and closer until it stopped next to me.

The window that was close to me was part of the way down and a man who looked only a few years younger than me was peering out of the window and looking at me.

"what's a pretty little thing like you doing all of the way out here?" the strange man asked me, looking me up and down. I looked over at his driver who was in the process of doing the same thing. I couldn't handle there stares anymore. so I focused and crossed over once again.

Both men had a look of fear stricken on their faces. They both looked at each other and had a silent conversation. "L-lets go..." the man in the carriage spoke to the driver, his voice trembling as he spoke. "Y-yes sir." he choked out.

And with that, the carriage sped away.

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