Chapter 1

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Picture of Jon Kortajarena who I picture as Enzo


Two weeks.

I had been with Enzo two weeks and I had excepted my fate, my parents knew I was gone and they weren't going to do anything, they watched me get taken away. No one was going to look for me. I also learned my place fairly quickly.

Enzo wasn't afraid to hit, and when he did hit, it was hard.

I had to go by his rules or I would be punished with a slap.

Rule one- no cursing. Which is extremely hard, with my snarky and sarcastic attitude which he hasn't managed to tame.

Rule two- I must treat him and any guest with respect. That includes all his maids and men that seem to be in and out of the house constantly.

Rule three- I have to voice my answer, no nodding. Which is extremely hard when I don't feel like talking.

Rule four- no interrupting him. Which I just so happen to do before he could even finish the rule. Earning me a smack to the cheek and an unconvincing glare.

Rule five- I can't leave the house unless I have permission. Which is the easiest rule to follow, since I'm in my room all day.

Rule six- no raising my voice or yelling, which kind of goes with the respect rule. I haven't broken this rule, surprisingly.

Enzo and I had a relationship like roommates who hated each other, except I don't really hate him as much as I hate my parents and his father. We never really talked unless he came in or when we ate a meal. Except when we talked and I broke a rule I would get punished.

Just then there was a knock on my door and Enzo walked in, "Are you hungry?"

"Sure." I said and got up, following him to the dinning room which his maids were perfecting.

"Thank you lady's, you are dismissed." They nodded and scurried off.

His chefs had prepared meat loaf and it was amazing, but not as good as my mothers. I sighed at the thought. I had excepted the fact that they basically disowned me before I was even born but I couldn't help but miss them. I mean they wouldn't have given me all those memories as a child for nothing right?

I shook my head and moved the food around my plate, suddenly not so hungry.

"What's wrong, do you not like it?" he asked.

"I'm just not as hungry." I said glancing at the plate of food before me.

"You're thinking of your parents aren't you?"

I looked at him, sometimes it was creepy how he knew what I was thinking, "It's okay, I give you at least another two weeks before you forget about them."

I rolled my eyes and changed the subject, "Do you have anything interesting in the huge mansion? I've only ever seen this room and my room."

He nodded, "I was wondering when you'd ask that. How do you handle staying in that room alone all day?"

"I have the voices in my head to keep me company." I said with a shadow of a smirk on my face.

I glanced at Enzo and he had the slightest smile on his face. He was slowly starting to find my comments funny, which for some very strange reason felt rewarding to me.

Suddenly Enzo set his fork and knife on his plate and rested his napkin beside the plate. He stood and gestured for me to follow, "I'll show you something interesting."

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