Chapter 35

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Sorry for the wait, here's another update.


I was a little over eight months pregnant and Osvaldo and Niccolo had decided to come check on me and drop off more things they had gotten for Luca.

I was getting bigger and clumsy and experiencing hot flashes. But I had made it this far in the pregnancy, I was really hoping I could make it one more month. But things were changing, I could feel it. I hurt more often than usual and I could feel our baby shifting.

They walked in and Osvaldo gave me a hug, "How are you and my grand baby?" He asked.

"Good." I said, even though something felt wrong. I was tempted to tell Enzo but I didn't want to worry him.

Niccolo gave me a quick hug and then we looked at what they had bought. They got a few more clothes and a chair that matched that theme of the nursery.

I gave Niccolo and Osvaldoa hug again, "Thank you so much for the clothes and the chair."

Enzo thanked them both and even hugged his brother and then announced that lunch was ready so we headed to the dinning room table to eat.

I was trying to pay attention to their conversations but I couldn't focus on them with the awful pain coming from my stomach.

"Enzo." I said lightly, gripping my stomach.

He looked over at me and instantly got out of his chair and kneeled by me, "What's wrong?"

"We need to see Dr. Mettio." I said in between my big intakes of air in an attempt to rid the pain and calm myself.

"What's wrong?" Osvaldo asked.

"Go tell my driver to be ready." Enzo said and tried to help me up.

Osvaldo disappeared, doing as Enzo said.

"Niccolo, call Dr. Mettio." Enzo ordered, throwing his cellphone at his brother.

When we figured out I couldn't walk he picked me up and carried me outside.

I saw Marco and Ortiz give me concerned looks as we walked out.

Osvaldo was standing in front of the car.

"If you want to come, follow behind." Enzo said as he slid me into the back seat.

The driver already knew where to go.

"Liam, what do you think is wrong?" He asked, moving my hair from out of my face.

"I think I'm going into labor." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"But that's a month too early." He said.

"I know." I said looking up at him, "Somethings wrong. Remember what I told you when I found out I was pregnant?"

"Liam." Enzo shook his head, "You're both going to be fine."

"But if we're not and you have the choice to save on of us, save our little boy."

Enzo just silently nodded.

We were there faster than I thought we would be and Enzo carried me in.

Dr. Mettio was waiting for us, "Liam, I need you to tell me what you feel."

"Every few minutes my stomach hurts, a lot." I said.

He nodded and led Enzo into a room. With the help of Enzo, I was changed into a hospital gown.

Dr. Mettio examined me and then spoke, "Liam, you've gone into labor and you're body is trying to naturally give birth, which it can't so I'm going to have to do an emergency cesarean, or c, section."

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