Chapter Two: Out Sick

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Eren's POV:

A few weeks have passed, and early one morning I woke up to a sick feeling in my gut. I quickly got up from my bed and ran over to the toilet that was in our master bathroom, then stuck my face in the opening of it to let out a large amount of vomit. I'm pretty sure that my loud hacking woke up Levi, because a few seconds after I started puking, I felt a hand gently rubbing my back. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's probably just a stomach bug of some sort." I replied to him while trying to catch my breath from all of the dry heaving. As soon as I was finished puking my guts out, Levi helped me back up on to my feet.

"Would you like some water or anything?" Levi asks once again.

"Yeah, that would be great." I replied back to him as soon as he started to exit the room. Just as he was out of the room he turns back to me and says..." Once I come back up stairs I need to start getting ready to go to the Survey Corps. And you should probably stay home and rest if you're not feeling well."

"Okay. It's better to do that than risk puking all over the place through out the whole day." I responded back with a little hint of enthusiasm.

"That's exactly why I suggested that,"  I heard him say back as he was starting to walk down the hallway. I lightly chuckled and rolled my eyes at his comment, then layed back down in our king sized bed and stared up at the ceiling. A wave of fatigue started to take over me all at once, and my eyes became heavy which soon caused them to close. As soon as I was just starting to drift off to sleep, I heard Levi's footsteps once again coming from down the hall until he entered the room to put my glass of water on the end table. I opened my eyes to tell him..."Thank you," then he leaned over and kissed my forehead. But before he was out of my reach, I wrapped my arms around his torso and squeezed him tight.

"Have a nice day," I said as soon as I released him from the hug.

"I'm not leaving yet. I haven't even gotten in the shower, brat."

"Oh yeah, that's right," I said as I let out a light chuckle. "Well I'm going to let you do that now, I don't want you to be late or anything."

"Okay. But I'll go ahead and say goodbye to you now, that way you can get some rest." Levi replied.

" Okay." I said as I pulled him in for another tight hug. He felt so warm, it was comforting. Very comforting. Almost like if we were in a different place, he would be my home away from home. I wish that this moment would never end, but of course, all good things must come to a close some point. We both broke apart from each other's grasp. Then I looked back up at Levi. "I love you, so much." I spoke.

"I love you too,brat." He said back, then went in the master bathroom to get ready to go to the Survey Corps.

I then flopped back onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep.


A few more days have passed, and my so called "stomach bug" hasn't gone away. Every day I would feel sick and throw up. Oh Levi sure had fun cleaning up my messes, that clean freak that I loved. There were also some days where I would have constant mood swings and would get really grouchy and was like my kid self with the attitude. No wonder why Levi was calling me a brat more often than usual.

One day, I was done with this repetitive cycle I was going through. I needed to go see a doctor. Levi also agreed with the idea.

"Levi, I'm going to go see the doctor. You coming with?" I asked.

"Sure, I'm almost finished getting dressed." Levi responded.

I waited for him outside of the house. I noticed how it's been a while since I've been out of the house and gotten fresh air. It was nice. Once Levi came out of the house to meet up with me on the porch, we immediately started walking towards the doctor's office. Eventually, after from what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached the office. Levi opened the door for me. I walked through the threshold, and saw the doctor sitting at his desk, hands folded near him. He looked up and saw the two of us walk in the waiting area.

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