Chapter Nine: The Third Trimester (Part Two)

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I swear to god I look like I'm going to explode! My belly looked like it was the size of a watermelon, and the baby could come at any moment now.

Levi and I had just left the town square and were on our way home, then all of a sudden I felt a strong sensation in my abdominal region.

"Oh my god!" I bellowed. "Levi, I think I'm having a contraction!"

"Are you sure? Because you thought you were having a contraction yesterday, and the day before, and the day-"

I cut him off at that point, "Yeah yeah, and then I found out that they were just kicks. But, it hurts!"

"Are you still able to walk?" Levi asked.

"I could try," I replied back to him, then I started to take small steps over to where he was. And luckily, it didn't hurt that much to walk. "Yeah, I think I can."

"Alright, then let's go" Levi commanded.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I said as I started to catch up with him.

We made it back to the house not too long after, Levi pulled out his keys from his pocket and stuck it into the key slot. He pushed opened the door and we both stepped inside. For some reason the house was pitch black, and I don't even remember turning off the lights before we left the house earlier. I switched on the lights then at that moment, a loud "SURPRISE!!" filled the room. The surprise came from a large group of our friends, who were standing right in front of us with a bunch of pink and blue balloons.

"Shit! You guys almost scared the baby out of me!" I shouted, then started to chuckle. "What's all of this for anyways?" I asked.

"We've all decided to throw a baby shower for you," Armin said with a cheesy smile upon his face.

"We felt like putting it together for you, even though you guys decided not to have one," Mikasa said.

"Well thank you all for putting it togeth-" I stopped at that moment because I felt another strong kick, I bent down and put my hands on me knees to try to ease the pain.

"Eren, are you okay?" Levi asked as he slowly stood me back up. 

"Probably just another strong kick," I replied back to him.

"Are you sure that it wasn't a contraction?" Mikasa asked as she gazed at me with a concerned look in her eyes.

"I don't think so," I replied back to her as Levi walked me over to the couch with everyone watching us. Then I felt another strong sensation coming from my stomach, but this time, I felt like I peed myself.

"Shit! Levi my water just broke, the baby is coming!"


The moment that you have all been waiting for! The next chapter will be coming in a short while this time. I'm SO excited to start the sequel! :)

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