Chapter Six: The Second Trimester (Part One)

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It was getting pretty close to noon, and Armin and Mikasa arrived at our house just to pay Levi and I a visit. Armin sat down next to me, then Mikasa soon joined him while Levi sat on the other side of me. I sighed a little, due to fatigue. Pregnancy sure does wear you down quite some. I felt Levi's hand start to gently  rub my back, and I cracked a small smile at him then looked over at Armin.

"Three and a half months doesn't seem too bad," Armin points out.

"Try going through what I've been experiencing for the past five and a half months," I shot back.

Armin let out a light chuckle then continued to speak, "Yeah, it sounds like torture. But I'm sure that it'll be worth it in the end."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it will," I responded back to him as I placed my hand on my belly and started to gently rub it in a circular motion.

"Woah!" I exclaimed just as I felt a strong sensation in my stomach. I knew for sure that it wasn't a cramp. It kind of felt like I had butterflies in my stomach, only stronger. And at that moment I realized that the baby had its first kick.

"What's wrong?!" Levi asked, sounding concerned.

"I just felt the baby kick," I responded while practically grinning from ear to ear.

Armin's eyes had widened, and Mikasa perked up a little. I looked over at Levi to see his reaction, and I saw his eyes lit up in amazement, then he leaned over ever so slightly to gently place his hand on top of my belly. He started to rub it in a circular motion, then I suddenly felt another kick. Levi smiled in amusement, which made my smile grow even larger.

"What?" I asked.

"I felt it kick too," Levi responded calmly. "It's probably saying 'get me the hell out of here'."

"Yeah, by kicking my walls," I joked.

Levi chuckled a little at my joke. It was a stupid joke anyways, so I was surprised when Levi let a chuckle escape from his mouth. I let out a sigh, and at that moment I realized that our baby could probably hear us by now.

"Well well well," I heard a voice come from behind me, evidently Jean's. "Why if it isn't Eren Jae-, ha, I mean Ackerman."

I instantly started to get irritated, then I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration. If I get myself into a fight, I would not only be risking my own life, but the baby's as well. But unfortunately, my frustration got the best of me, and I stupidly replied back to him in an irritated tone, "Yeah, it is me. What do you want, Jean?"

"Oh nothing," Jean replied in a rude manner.

"Ha, sounds like someone still has a thumb up their ass," I snapped back, then I felt Levi firmly rest his hand on my shoulder.

"Eren, shut up and back down, now!" Levi commanded, sounding displeased.

"Still holding a grudge against me, Eren?" Jean asked teasingly.

"Maybe," I partially answered.

"You know you're asking for it, kid!" Jean shouted.

Then at that moment, I quickly got up onto my feet and faced towards Jean, and spat back, "I'm not a kid smartass!"

As Jean was about to throw a punch at my face, before I was even able to dodge I felt a strong force push me to the side. I directed my gaze over to where I was once standing, to see Levi taking a fist to the face. Everyone, including me, came to a pause during that moment, and we focused our gazes on Levi and Jean. Levi looked beyond aggravated, and Jean probably felt humiliated that he just punched the Captain of the Survey Corps square in the face.

"Shit! Levi are you-" I was cut off by Levi right then and there.

"Not now Eren!" He shouted, then he looked back at Jean and gave him some kind of death glare. "I have to deal with this fucking twat first!"

Then we all saw Levi drag Jean out onto the front porch, and all of us followed them outside. I looked in the other direction so I wouldn't be able to see what was going on. Once Levi was finished beating the heck out of Jean, he shoved the horse-faced man off of the porch, revealing that he had a broken nose, a black eye, and a busted lip.

"Now get the hell out of here, you twat!" Levi hollered at Jean as he ran off down the road. Levi trudged back into the house with an angry scowl on his face.

"Levi I-"

"I don't want to hear it Eren!" He cut me off once again in a furious tone. "What exactly was going through your head?! What if I didn't push you out of the way in time, huh?! You put yours and the baby's life at risk!" 

"I'm sorry Levi, okay? I seriously tried to hold back, but he was irritating the hell out of me." I replied. 

"Then leave the room and let me handle it! God damn!" Levi shouted back, a little louder than before.

"Um, I think that we're going to go home now," Mikasa informed us as her and Armin started to walk back outside.

"Well, see you later guys," Armin said in a soft voice then followed Mikasa out onto the porch, closing the door on their way out. 

"Anyways, I'm really sorry Levi, I really am. I thought I could hold myself back, but my hormones got the best of me. And I know how stupid it was of me to do such a thing, especially in my condition." I said.

There was a long pause in the room until Levi let out a deep sigh, then continued to speak, "Ugh, what am I going to do with you, brat?" He said, sounding sarcastic, but I could tell that he was back to being calm.

"So are we good?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're good," he replied as he tried to force a small smile. Then he walked over to where I was to pull me in for a tight hug.

"Just please, be more careful next time," he said in a tranquil voice.

"Okay, I promise."


These last few weeks have been absolutely crazy! So much testing going on and I am two and a half weeks away form becoming a Junior! The pressure is rising! Can't wait until summer! :) 

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