Chapter Three: A Big Anouncement

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The temperature has been dropping dramatically in the past few weeks, due to the changing of the seasons. I can't believe that it's already near the end of October, and that I'm already almost two months pregnant. Levi and I haven't even told anyone else yet, but we're hoping to get everyone together some point before my first trimester starts.

I managed to wake up before Levi this morning (due to my morning sickness) and then decided to brew myself some piping-hot, peach tea. And when it was done, I sat down in the rocking chair that was out on the front porch, and gazed out at the beautiful vista of the early morning sun rise that was just starting to peek over the wall of our district, while taking little sips of my tea every now and then. The neighborhood seemed very calm and quiet this morning, which was pretty normal for around this time.

All of a sudden, my "calm and quiet" morning was interrupted by a loud creaking noise that was coming from the front door. I turned to see Levi standing in the threshold of it.

"Good morning, my lovely brats," he said as he walked away from the door to come sit in the rocking chair that was directly next to mine.

I shook my head and revealed a half smile on my lips, "Don't call our kid a brat. He or she is not even close to being born yet."

"Fine then. Brat."

I crossed my arms like a five year-old would do after his sibling had just gotten finished with picking on him, while giving him the did-you-seriously-just-do-that-after-I-just-told-you-to-stop look.

"Alright, I'm sorry," he apologizes, which meant that he obviously got the message from my little attitude that I had going on. "Anyways, how did you sleep?"

"Well, I slept better than the other past few nights," I replied; with my attitude almost completely diminished. Damn hormones.

"That's good. How's junior holding up?" Levi asked while directing his finger over to my stomach.

"He or she seems to be doing pretty good. I can feel a little bit of movement in there sometimes, but not much."

After answering his question, Levi extended his arm out towards me, then landed his hand right on my belly then released a sigh. "I promise you, that I will protect the little one once he, or she, is in this world," he pauses for a second, then looks up at me, "and I promise to always be there to help provide anything that it needs to grow up healthy, and strong."

"Levi...I-," I tried to reply back to him, but my voice got thick, and luckily, I was able to choke back a few tears as this happened. Man, why must us pregnant people have such uncontrollable hormones! I took a few deep breaths, and as soon as I was just about to say something in return, he cuts me off, and continues to talk some more.

"I may not have been the best person in world, especially to you, but I promise to be one of the best to our little miracle. And I'll try to act better towards you from now on, Eren."

"Levi," I started to say once more, but Levi cut me off with a kiss.

That pretty much sealed that deal. This only lasted for about a few seconds, until Levi pulled away. I gasped a little, trying to catch some air. I smiled, and gazed into Levi's murky, grey-blue eyes. He returned the same gaze back at me. "You have never mistreated me in any way. You have always been great to me. So stop apologizing for something that you haven't done, okay?" I said to him, I'm pretty sure that Levi could tell that I was getting choked up again, due to the thick sound of my voice.

"Alright." He answered with a soft tone in his voice.

We stayed silent for a while, as we watched the sun slowly rise up from the horizon. Levi went back into the house not too long ago to brew himself some black tea. While he was busy with that, I suddenly thought to myself that today would be a great day to have some people over. Especially since Levi and I don't have any plans for today anyways. So why not, right?

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