Chapter Four: The First Trimester (Part One)

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I'm now three months into my pregnancy, and I'm already starting to show. My bump isn't that big yet but it's quite visible, especially if you look at it from the side. The Survey Corps is forcing me to go on early maternity leave until after the baby is born, due to safety purposes. And due to all of the fatigue that I have been dealing with lately, I honestly didn't mind the idea of being home-bound for the next several months. I've also noticed that my morning sickness has been staring to decrease more and more, which I heard was normal.

"Eren," A soft, but husky-like voice called out.

I groaned and pulled the bed sheets over my head, hoping that my raven-haired husband would soon leave me be to rest some more.

"Eren's not here right now," I lied, with my voice sounding all muffled.

"Eren, come on, wake up already! We're going to be late for your doctor's appointment!" Levi exclaimed impatiently.

"Shit!" I shouted as I stumbled out of bed and almost fell onto the floor, but Levi was able to catch me in time.

"Th-Thanks," I said while trying to catch my breath, due to the terrorizing thought that I could of possibly injured myself and the baby if Levi hadn't caught me.

"No problem. But next time, please be more careful, you twat." Levi said, who also looked pretty frightened by my little act of clumsiness, then managed to gently put me down soon after.

"I have no idea why I scheduled my doctor's appointment this early in the morning." I spoke with a hint of exasperation in my voice as I walked over to our dresser and started rummaging through one of the drawers to pick out some clothes to wear.

"Eren, it's almost noon," Levi retorted as he pointed his finger towards the other side of the room. I looked over to trace where exactly he was pointing towards, and sure enough, he was pointing at the clock that was sitting on his nightstand. I studied the position of the hands that were on the clock, and it had shown that it was 11:43.

"Wow seriously? I didn't even stay up that late last night." I spoke once again, a little shocked.

"Eren, let's go!" Levi exclaimed, sounding quite aggravated.

"Okay okay! Just let me get dressed real quick! Geez!" I spat back, starting to get a little aggravated myself. Knowing Levi, he's probably staring me down right now with a murderous expression on his face due to what I just said, but I just ignored him and quickly slipped off my pajamas and threw on some clothes that I picked out not too long ago. Once I was finished getting dressed, I looked over my shoulder to see Levi waiting for me by the doorway with a "if you're not done tying your shoes in the next two minutes I'm leaving without you" kind of glare. I got his message, then started tying my shoes.

I was able to get my shoes tied as soon as I saw Levi exiting the room. "Levi! Wait up!" I called out for him as I started to dart out into the hallway. Levi was already making his way downstairs once I got out there. 

"Come on twinkle toes, we gotta move." Levi replied in his normal, content voice. 

Luckily, I was able to catch up with him by the time he stared to turn the knob on the front door. And man did it hurt to run, especially since I have (A) a baby in my belly and (B) since I stay home all the time now, I haven't been doing anything to help keep me in shape lately. 

"Took you long enough," Levi said as we both walked out the door.

"I'm sorry okay? I can't help that I'm tired all the time." I moped to him, kind of like how I used to mope back when I was younger. I told him this as we started to walk down the street. 

Levi let out a sigh, then moved his hand over towards mine to grab a hold of it. I moved my head downward to catch a glimpse at him right after he did this. "I know that what you are going through is hard, Eren. And that you are probably thinking that I'm being a jerk towards you right now, but I'm really not trying to be. I'm just trying to make sure that we try our hardest to keep everything on track still, okay?"He informs me, sounding much more serene than not too long ago. And hearing that tone in his voice was starting to make me feel much more calm as well. 

"Yeah, I get what you mean." I replied back to him, and managed to crack a smile at him right when he turned to look up at me. He was able to stretch out his lips into a simple, little grin, which warmed my heart a little. 

And with that, we continued to gradually walk down the road until we arrived at our destination.


Once we had arrived home, I really didn't want to be bothered. I already felt tired and still had some cramps from all of the walking I've done today. 

"Hey Levi?" I called out to him.


"I think that I'm going to take a nap, I'm pretty tired at the moment." I said in a sleepy voice.

"Alright that's fine." 

 I walked further into the house then walked up the stairs to get to our bedroom. Once I made my way inside, I shut the door behind me and curled up in the bed, and then closed my eyes. But before I was able to fall into a deep sleep, I heard the door creak open which caused me to open my eyes to see who it was. Notably, Levi.

He started to walk around to his side of the bed and climbed in under the sheets, then I felt him wrap his arms around me. 

"Levi what are you-"

He interrupted me in a faint voice, "Shhh, just go ahead and sleep, Eren." 

"Okay," I insisted then feel asleep.


I woke up, finding Levi's mouth resting on the back of my shoulder. I sighed in a delighted manner, then turned my body over onto my back so that Levi's mouth was now resting on my chest. I gradually wrapped my arms around him and held on. It's strange, but the way that he sleeps tends to put me in a peaceful state. I hide my face in his shoulder, which caused his eyes to flutter open.

"Eren," He started to say.

"Sorry, I was getting a little cold," I lied.

"Then why didn't you say so?"Levi responded, then he wrapped his broad arms around me and pulled my body closer to his.

I felt a light breeze blow through the window and into the room, which did make me feel colder. That caused me to cling onto Levi tighter.

"Be careful,brat," Levi teased.

"Oh I will." 

"Well alright then," Levi persisted, then cracked a small smile.

The warmth of his body made me even more drowsy. My eyes started to feel heavy, then not too long after I fell into a deep and peaceful sleep. However, I remembered what Levi had said to me before I drifted off to sleep, "Sleep tight you two." And for some strange reason, that made my nap feel much more blissful.


Again guys, I'm SO sorry about all of the delays that I've been giving you on these chapters. School has been putting more and more stress on my shoulders lately. 

But anyhow, I've been thinking that I should make a sequel to this story. What do you guys think? ;)

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