Of all the things she expected to find, the entire contents of the Bermuda Triangle were at the bottom of the list.
"What the hell are all these ships and planes doing in my fridge?" she asked aloud.
"Quiet, you," said one of the boats; then, turning back to the other boats with which it was playing poker, it said "fold" and tossed its cards into the centre of the table.
Another boat, infuriated by this action, threw itself over the table, and tackled its fellow player to the ground.
Battleships had gotten really, really intense.
Michael Bay was far from his august years and continued to pump out shitty CGI-fests. Beak-Luke, newly formed bird legs and talons clutching the grass up.
Beak-Luke decided to go on a road trip with Charles Darwin.
Consequences VI : All She Expected to Find
HumorConsequences - the game where we write a short story by passing it around a table. Each person takes it in turns to write a line. To make it more interesting, they can only see the one line before theirs. Everything else, including the opening line...