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It was in the early hours of the morning that I found myself sitting with Peggy in a cute, little diner. We had just finished our shifts and after a long day we both needed something to refill our stomachs. Food at the SSR wasn't too bad but I really needed something unhealthy to fulfill my hunger.

I sighed."God, I'm so tired."

"You're doing very well, seeing as we've had some very busy days since you started." she smiled, sipping on her coffee.

"I can't believe there are other people awake at this hour."

       Scattered around the diner were other customers, all of them men in business suits. The clock on the wall said it was four thirty, meaning these men had very early starts to their work schedules.

Peggy chuckled."I swear, this city never sleeps. Have you tried the pretzel yet?"

       Looking down at the odd shaped pastry, I picked it up and took a bite. Not only was my stomach grateful for being replenished but it was also glad to have something so delicious fill it.

"I think you're starting to like the American cuisine."

"This country just keeps getting better and better."

       After going home to get my two hours sleep, I went back to SSR. Peggy had left before me. I swear that woman had no sleep in her daily life. It was now a reasonable time but the building seemed quiet, too quiet. As I entered the office, I realised that everyone was preparing for a mission. The men were all huddled around a desk at the back of the room and I heard the clicking of guns; big guns.

       Jack was in the middle of giving out orders when I walked up to the desk. Each man had a large rifle, scaring me a little. They suddenly all dispersed, leaving Jack and I alone.

"What on earth is happening?" I asked, watching everyone put on their jackets.

"We're going after a guy." he briefly explained.

"He must be dangerous."

"You could say that. Have you seen, Carter?"

"Oh, no. I thought she was already here."

"Well as soon as she gets here, send her to this address." he handed me a slip."And you've got a lot of work today."

       I turned around to see numerous files covering my desk. I couldn't even see the actual desk itself under all the clutter. Sighing, I wished that I was going on the mission myself.

"You're not going to be all day are you?" I accidentally whined.

"Agent Hills, you will have all of these files completed by the end of the day otherwise there will be trouble."


As I looked up at the clock, I saw that it was already midday and I wasn't even halfway through the pile of files. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes, sitting back in my chair. The files I had to complete were either full to the brim with information or weren't in order, making the job longer than it needed to be.

        I decided that a break was needed. I grabbed some coffee and a sandwich from the trolley outside, bringing it back to the desk. However, as I placed the plate and mug down, I realised that something was missing.

The files.

        There was no explanation as to where they went. I obviously hadn't moved them or knocked them over. They had just gone. Unless someone came in and took them. But the trolley was right outside of the office, there was no way I wouldn't notice someone going in, they would have had to be quick too. Panic set in quickly. Those were top secret government files, if I had lost them, I'd lose my job and add another problem to the SSR...I could go to jail!

       As I was about to head down to security, I heard something smash over in the chief's office. This had to be the imposter. Slowly sliding out one of my drawers, I took the gun from it (everyone was required to have one) before heading towards the separate office. Turning the door handle ever so slowly, I prepared myself for whoever was in there. Bursting through the door, I aimed my gun forward, coming face to face with the intruder. It was a huge, well built man, holding a bag (which I assumed had the folders) along with a gun. He had knocked over a lamp, drawing attention to himself.

       Without a word being said, I shot him in the leg, his loud cry of pain following. But he didn't falter, charging at me as he raised his gun. He swung it down quickly, hitting my head, immediately making me unconscious.

"She's coming round." I heard a female voice.

       As I opened my eyes, I found myself in the medical ward. A nurse was looking over me before she moved away and I saw Peggy and Jack standing behind her.

"She'll be alright. She just needs some rest." the nurse told them as she walked away.

Peggy smiled down at me."How are you feeling?"

"Awful. That hit to the head was brutal." I groaned as I sat up.

Jack sat on a chair next to the bed."Do you remember anything?"

"Well, I was sorting out the files...wait, you have the files right!? He didn't get away did he?"

Peggy tried to calm me down."It's alright, we got the files back, just not the man."

"Thank god...well, I went to get something to eat and when I came back they were gone. I was about to go to security to check if they had seen anything but then I heard someone in the office. I tried to stop him, I really did."

"We knew you would." Jack reasurred me.

"I shot him in the left leg though, below the knee."

"That's great, we need as much detail as possible."

        I went into detail of what he looked like and what he was wearing, which was noted down for later use. My head throbbed viciously but I ignored it, wanting to be of any help. I was useless earlier now I had to make up for that.

"If he was able to get in without any of the guards knowing, he must work here." Peggy said.

"So we've got a man working for the enemy. Great, that's just what we need."

"I have never seen him before. I mean, I've only met a few people throughout my weeks here. Hasn't the CCTV got a face?"

"No, it wasn't a good enough image. He was covered up and ran too quickly."

"I'm sorry I can't be of any use."

"You did all you could." Peggy said as Jack walked out. He slammed the door behind him.

I sighed."How can I call myself an agent if I can't even take down one man with a gun?"

"You are a superb agent. It was smart of you to shoot his leg and not kill him. We need answers."

"But he got away. He could be anywhere."

"He won't have gotten far with an injured leg. He won't go into a hospital either, it's too risky.

"The boss is still angry at me though."

"Jack is a perfectionist, he doesn't want to seem weak."

"Still, maybe if I hadn't left the files-"

"Just stop, you're making yourself feel worse by doubting yourself. Now I'm going to take you home so that you can get some rest, and I want you here recovered and well for tomorrow."

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